Shameless in the Astronomy Tower

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Some notes/warnings: 

*The character's outfits are in the picture at the top of this chapter (just imagine Sebastian's with green instead of gold and without the hat and cane).
*Theia takes a monthly potion so no risk at pregnancy!
*Explicit smut so read at your own risk.

I wrote this as a birthday gift for my friend ShamelessSlytherin who is an amazing author here and a real sweetheart as well <3 

Happy Birthday love! I hope you enjoy this ;)

"Hurry up Theia!" Nellie yelled from the other side of the dressing screen. "You've been in there for some time now! The ball starts in ten minutes!"
   "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming already. I'm done anyway." Theia responded, stepping out from behind the dressing screen where she had been admiring herself in the mirror.
   Not something she would usually do, but the dress Mr. Hill had ordered for her looked so good on her. She was in love with the red color covered with a pattern of gold, making her almost look regal.
   It was off-shoulders with golden flowers lining the top of her dress and gathering in the center to hide her cleavage, making it more decent.
Theia loved that it also had sheer golden sleeves, sparkling whenever she moved her arms. It gave a nice little touch.
   The skirt flowed down nicely and around her, adding to the regal feeling.

Most of her dark hair was done up in an elegant bun, with the rest of the strands softly curled and cascading down her back.
   Golden earrings to match her dress, dangling with little gems and the golden necklace -with a tiny ouroboros- that Sebastian had gifted her for her birthday last year, brought out her emerald eyes.
   Her shoes were simple golden heels, not too high since she didn't want the possibility to trip over her own feet.

"Oh you look absolutely breathtaking Theia!" Nellie said as soon as she saw her. The Gryffindor was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves nicely and splayed out from her knees to the floor, it had red lace covering the skirt.
   It made her look like a celebrity, especially with her hair down and curly.
Theia smiled at her. "Thank you Nellie, you look gorgeous!"
Her friend did a little mock-curtesy. "Why thank you. Now shall we go? The ball starts in five minutes!"

Theia rolled her eyes but nodded. "Alright. Honestly, don't worry too much. There are Floo Flames for a reason."
She looked around the dorm room. "Where's Natty?"
   "Natty's already gone down ages ago, she promised Anne to pick her up in the dungeons." Nellie looked at her with curiosity. "Speaking of dungeons... why isn't Sebastian picking you up?"
   "He had Quidditch practice this afternoon and had to go straight from there to the Slytherin common room to get ready if he wanted to be at the ball on time, so I told him I'd meet him in front of the hourglasses." Theia explained to her.
   "He had Quidditch practice today of all days? Man, Imelda really doesn't care about anything else huh?" Her friend shook her head incredulously.
"I'm pretty sure she's found herself caring for a certain redhead with an affinity of experimenting with potions lately." She told Nellie with a wink.

"Oh. So I wasn't imagining it when I saw her make goo-goo eyes at Garreth the other day? Interesting."
"Mhm." Theia hummed. "Now let's get going."

Sebastian was indeed waiting for her in front of the Slytherin hourglass. He was playing with his cuffs, glancing at the couples walking by.
   It was like the world had stopped for a moment. He was looking rather handsome wearing a black suit, with a white dress shirt underneath -that was only visible because it was peeking out of his cuffs- and white jabot that was held by an emerald clip. There was also some emerald lining his jacket and waistcoat.
   His brown, unruly hair had been combed back and honestly, it just made her want to run her hands through it to make it messy again.

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