Un : the Beggining

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Hi, i'm so happy to post this today, well, tonight actually, and I hope that you'll like it. I know that it's probably trash, but please know that English is not my first language, ok ? I'm doing my best, and if you don't like it, it's completely okay, but please no hate comments, I think that we should only show kindness. And I encourage you to do the same for the others authors, they all deserve it so much😍  Anyway, this is my first story and i'm so nervous😖  If it doesn't bother you, I would love to know what you think about it, what I should do to make it better, or even if you have suggestions. 

Oh, and I almost forgot ! Don't hesitate if you want to talk about something to send me a message, it can be about everything, I'm here to listen, and I know that life can be really hard for some of us, so go ahead. Know that I will always be there if you need someone, and Know that you are loved ! I love you all no matter what ! 

Sorry if it was too long, i'm probably annoying you, right now. So let's just go straight to the point, this is the first chapter of my story and I hope you enjoy !


**"L'amour est la seule passion qui ne souffre ni passé ni avenir" Honoré de Balzac***


The wind was blowing to the windows and the rain was so heavy that it made a loud sound. The atmosphere was eerie, as if even the weather knew that something important and decisive was going to happen.

A white-haired teenager was lying in bed, reading. He faced his windows, occasionally taking a look at the bad weather outside.

He had white hair and gray eyes that showed a strong maturity for his young age, he seemed to be nearly sixteen, and was tall with a slender body, with some muscles due to his position as seeker.

Strangely, he seemed oddly calm, holding his book with one hand, turning the pages with the other, and glancing out when he finished a chapter.

But to anyone who knows him, like his only friend Blaise Zabini, it was obvious that he was stressed and nervous.

Because Draco Malfoy was in a bad situation. A very very bad situation.

A few weeks ago he had received the dark mark, not because he wanted it, no, but because he was trapped. If he hadn't joined the dark lord, he and his parents would have died.

But it was not the worst. Oh no, it was not. In addition to becoming a death eater, a servant of a madman, he had to complete a task. An almost impossible task to fulfill, a suicidal task.

He had to kill Dumbledore. Dumbledore, the person who was considered as the strongest wizard of the world.

He, a teenager, barely still a child, without exceptional skills, had to kill the most powerful wizard of the planet.

So that was the reason why for the past two weeks he locked himself in his room and only went out to eat.

Trying to erase his mind of what he had to do, of what he will do.

Trying to find a way of completing his task.

Trying to find a way to be still living the next year.

Finally, after two weeks of being alone with his thoughts he decided to come out of his bedroom and go to the library.

He went down the stairs and passed a lot of corridors, until he finally reached the door of the library.

Love in the darknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora