Deux : The discovery

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A/N : Hi everyone ! Bonne année ! Happy new year! I wish you the best for this new year 2024 ! 

I post the chapter 2 today because i just finished it yesterday (at 2.00 am precisely) and I couldn't wait to post it ! I began the next chapter and I will more than likely post it at the end of this week, or the beginning of next week, if i'm late. I will also post others beginning of stories that i have in my drafts, so go see if you would like one ! 

I hope you are okay, and text me whenever you want and for whatever you want, I'm here ! 

Love you all ♥️

(the library) 

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(the library) 


Draco, finally deciding that he had enough of thinking, stood up and traversed the library, reaching the door.

Just as he was about to reach the doorknob, the door opened and two people were shown.

His father, in all his glory, was standing in front of Draco, glancing down at him with a superior look on his face.

Narcissa, his mother, was behind her husband and was staring at Draco with an expression that could only be described as worried.

"Draco, we wish to speak to you," said Lucius, coldly as always.

"The Dark Lord is gone for a few days, for business, so we thought that it would be the best opportunity that we would have," continued Narcissa, more softly than her husband.

"But, first, sit down. What we have to tell you is shocking" said Lucius.

Lucius and Narcissa each sat on a chair and narcissa patted the chair in front of them, signaling him to sit there.

Draco doubtfully and slowly sat on the chair, glancing at his parents.

"What is it father?".

Draco suddenly remembered his task, which caused him to ask worriedly "Is it related to my mission, father?"

His parents shared a look, as if trying to decide whether to tell him or to cowardly back off. But Narcissa must have decided that he needed to know.

"No, what we have to tell you is a totally different matter, Draco" she paused, sighing, and closed her eyes. It was the first time Draco saw her like that. She was habitually well-composed, always perfect in all her acts, matching perfectly with the expectations of what the woman pureblood should be. But now, she seemed tired, almost resigned, like if she knew that she had to face the consequences of her acts.

His father looked at his wife and let out a sigh, realizing that he had to say it, his wife not capable of doing it.

"Draco, we have been hiding something from you since the day you entered our lives," said Lucius, trying to find the right words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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