this is sweet I guess

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Omg omg omg I never expected to get any reads at all but to the 15 of you thank you sooo much if you have a specific character you want me to wright al letter from pls feel free to request it I honestly will love to write it for you. I hope you guys are excited for the new year and had a great Christmas and here is the next chapter

Dear Ennoshita

I am sorry. I am sorry I couldn't save you I should've died that day. Why did you have to kick me out of the way I should've done something anything but all I did was watch and scream. It is pathetic really. I hate this, I hate the idea of you being, I despise. I failed, just like I failed everyone. I swore to protect those I love yet I couldn't even protect you. I feel like I... I could, no I should've done more. Chika could you ever forgive me.

It is your birthday a few days ago you would have been... no you should have been turning 17. We set out a cake, it was vanilla your favourite, and we lit the candles but no one blew them out. They just slowly ran dry. I feel like no one cares but at the same time they all do. I have your gift but I never got to give it to you it was a new sketchbook for all your drawings. You probably are wondering where they went, we split them up, do you remember that drawing you did of that alley way that we thought was a good date place I was able to snag it before anyone else. I remember when you dragged me there after I asked where you think the best place to have a date was. We had and amazing time didn't we, the lights where beautiful, everything was beautiful, I said I was going to bring kiyoko there one day but I... just can't anymore it feels special to me, somewhere only we know. I visited it and I found the flowers that we left there last time, they're wilted away now yet they still have this strange sense of beauty. The ally way seems to be even more beautiful now chika you would... you will love it.

Everything is so tense now I go there to ease the pain. No one is handling this well Enno, we all seem to have horrible coping skills but I guess that is a letter for another day

Your friend, Tanaka

I hope you enjoyed and  please  feel free to request what characters you want me to write letters from . I have a good day or night see ya ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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