meeting your parents

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Warnings: self harm and mental disorders

You and your parents never had a good relationship.They never showed you real feelings and real Love.You were taught to always be strong and to never show your feelings in public,because it makes you look week and stupid.

Your whole life you grew up without parents eventhough they were arround.You always tried to start conversation,build up a better bound between you and your parents,but nothing ever worked.After school you always came home to a empty house.Your mom was probably out with her friends partying or something,you never really cared and your dad wad getting drunk with his mates at some random streets.

You learned yo take care of yourself since a really young age.When you were about 10 years old you already tried your best to cook something for you and your parents.Cleaning the house was also something only you did.

But when you turned 15 everything changed.You started to get tired with the life you had.You wanted to escape reality and do something else once in your life.Your parents started to notice that and they became really abussive,because you started to grow older and you understood what was going on.They realised that they needed to change,because you could cause them big problems if you told anybody how your parents treated you.

Your father used to hit you from time to time and your mother would scream so bad and loud at you,that even the neighbours were able to hear her.You cried,cried and cried in your room all night,not able to think about anything else.You couldn't handle the pain anymore and discovered a thing of punishment or a way to feal something else then just emptiness,it was self harming.You got addicted of the feeling of the fresh blood dripping down your wrist,the feeling of pure adrenaline rushing in your veins with every cut you've made.

When you turned 17 you stopped to think about your parents and just decided to not care anymore.You also stopped self harming,because you realised how dumb it was,to give yourself that kind of pain.Your scars started yo slowly dissapear and your life felt different.

You decided to move out the second you turned 18.It was really hard to find something small and cheap,because you didn't have a lot of money.You decided it would be the best idea to fly to Bristol and start a new life there.That's where you meet him.Lando Norris your future boyfriend...

You and Lando had been dating for a year now.You bouth love and trust eachother with your lifes.You already have met Landos parents.They are two loving people,which who you love to spend time with.Sometimes you even felt jealous,when you saw how well his parents treated him.As your boyfriend Lando ofcourse knew about your past and never pushed you to introduce him to them.He always checks up on you,if you fell down,because he is just scared to lose you.

But you moved on and tou changed your whole personality.You are way more confident now.You got yourself together and freed that little child that just wanted to feel loved.You get excited over little things,enjoy every second of your life even if it's good or bad.You just don't care anymore.

-"Shit they keep calling and texting me all the time,what should I do?!",you said looking at your boyfriend stressed.

-"Just pick up and talk with them!Don't push yourself love!"

-"Yeah,ok.I'll talk to them!"

You looked at your phone and saw your mother calling you the sixth time today.You took a deep breath and answeard the call.

-"Hey Sweetie,how are you?"

-"Hey mom,I'm good,why are you calling?"

-"Your dad and me just really miss you and we wanted to see you!We also heard that you are like famous now or something like that,tight?"

-"Mom I have a feeling that you are only inviting me because I'm known now and second of all,I'm not famous,my boyfriend is!"

-"Sweetie you have a boyfriend?That's amazing,we want to meet him!"

-"Mom you lost every right to want anything from me,whem I moved out."

-"Please,sweetue just that one time,we really want to meet him!"

-"I'll ask him,I'm not promising anything!Bye!",you hung up.

-"And what did they say?"

-"They want to meet you."

-"It's ok for me,when you feel alright with this!"

-"Yeah,let's just do it,I want this to be over as fast as possible!'

You texted your mom and said that it is fine to meet up.She got really excited and suggested that you should eat dinner with them TODAY.You and Lando got ready and left the house.You were nervous the whole ride there,that's why you were bouncing your leg up and down in Landos car.He noticed and placed his hand on your leg to calm you down.

You bouth were standing outside the house waiting for your parents to open the door.A short brunette opened the door opening her arms in order for you to hug her.You didn't really do the same,you just tried to escape the hug as fast as you could.Lando introduced himself to your parents and took of his shoes.

After about 10 minutes of talking,your mother finished preparing dinner,so you both sat down at the table and started to eat.You didn't really feal comfortable arround your parents and you noticed that Lando also couldn't really be himself.

-"So Lando what do you do for a living?",your dad asked,giving him a serious stare.

-"I am a Formula 1 driver for Mclaren!"

-"So you basicly just drive arround in circles,risking your life and get paid millions for that?",he laughed about Landos answer.

-"Dad,your'e talking shit!",I said looking at him angry,because I noticed that Lando didn't really look comfortable.

-"What?I'm just making sure that my daughter isn't with some random dude from the streets!"

-"You know what,that's enough!The one time I am visiting this shit hole and slightly hope that you both have changed,that I could finally have a better relationship with you I get dissapointed once again.Finally I found someone who cares about me and always helps me out of everything,supports me and does a lot of other things you never did,and thats not enough for you?Who are you to judge someone I love?I am your daughter for fucking sakes!Understand me once!",I screamed out,while tears slowly started to drop down to the floor.

-"We are embarassed because of you!You are a dissapointment to the whole family!We never gave a shit about you!And don't call yourself our daughter!You are no one to us!"

I could see the little tears that were forming in Landos eyes.He couldn't believe that someones parents could ever say something like that to their children.He didn't even know,that it actually was that bad with you and your parents.He knew that it wouldn't take long for you to burst out in tears,you were really sensitive after all.

-"You are fucking dead to me.",I said leaving the table giving Lando a look,to let him know that we are leaving this place.

He stood up and was about to walk away.But his anger couldn't help it.He decided to turn arround and speak to your parents.

-"I can't even imagine,to speak like that to her.I don't really know you,but judging after what I heard,you are terrible parents and failed in any way possible.Y/n is the most amazing,talented and smartest woman I have met.You should be ashamed to talk like that about her.If you could only know,what she had to go through because of your fucking acctions!I am definitely not planning on visiting this shit hole again."

You both walked out of the house,slamming the door.As soon as the door closed you bursted out in tears.Lando took you in his arms,wispering sweet nothings to your ear.

-"I'm so sorry Lando.",you wispered into his chest.

-"Babe,you shouldn't be sorry,you didn't deserve all of this.I am so sorry you had to go through that."

I am going to upload more chapters now!Finally motivated to write again!I have so many good ideas...Hope you liked it and I would be really thankfull If you could vote for my story!

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