Snake in the Garden

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Calmness. Politeness. Patience. 

The qualities built into you from childhood flash through your mind as you walk towards the Capitol's University. You're positive that the next few weeks will change the course of your life, for better or for worse. Your future as a game maker relies on the notes within your hands, and each step you take carries more trepidation than the last. You continue to repeat to yourself the qualities that have been drilled into you from a young age. You can't fail, you won't fail.

As you continue towards the university, a familiar sight rears its head. The site of the 10th Hunger Games. One of the most popular Hunger Games in the event's short history, the site continues to be a living, breathing reminder of the events that transpired. The well maintained roads and modern surroundings stand in stark contrast to the abandoned, damaged building that sits as a sore on the capitol. As if stuck in time, it serves as a lesson: the rebels are always lurking, with the truth clear as day. 

The districts and Capitol will always be in conflict.

However, you wonder to yourself if this show of symbolism is even relevant. Ever since the 10th edition of the Hunger Games, they have become the centerpiece of Capitol culture, with a presence that only seems to grow as Dr. Galls influence continues to grow. The Capitol needs no reminders to keep the war fresh and make the districts suffer, it would seem.

You continue towards the University, which is now in sight. The main teaching building stands at the University's center. It almost looks ancient, compared to the modern construction happening across the Capitol, yet that does not taint its beauty. Its red brick walls are decorated with exquisite reliefs, making the building itself part of the rich history the University teaches and provides. Your daydreaming seems to have gotten the best of you, as the bell tower begins its performance. As the melodious tone rings in your ears, you know that you are about to be late.

As you rush towards your class, you are knocked to the ground by someone from behind. Your notes fall to the ground, and as you try to muster your apologies, you turn to face the assailant. It is none other than Livia Cardew, a fellow student at the university. She was a top student at the academy, handling one of the tributes during the 10th Hunger Games. Her ascent has not stopped at the university, and she continues to be among the most powerful and influential students in the Capitol. Unfortunately, her effort, which should be channeled into making a push towards securing a powerful position within the Capitol, often finds its way into tormenting you.

"Oh, Rosie, you must watch your step! It would be a shame for Dr. Gaul to meet with such an undignified lady, with dirt all over her uniform!"

Before you can move, You notice her intention, but it is already too late. You are covered with water, and without your quick reactions, your notes would have been too.

"Thankfully you have me here, my little Rose! All clean now, have a great day of class!"

Livia had never been a kind girl, but her vicious streak only began after Arachne Crane's murder during the 10th Hunger Games. Ever since, you have been her target, for reasons you cannot discern. It is of no matter to you, she is nothing in comparison to what you grew up in. Calmness. Politeness. Patience. That is all you need to deal with people as unsophisticated as Livia Cardew.

As you look back at the girl, preparing to placate her with thanks before picking up your things, you see her face change. What was once a gleeful smirk now turns to an embarrassed, almost fearful scowl. A shadow engulfs you, and you swing once more to find none other than the superstar of the University, Coriolanus Snow, standing above you.

Livia begins to stutter, trying to find an explanation, as if caught by the nanny with her hand in the cookie jar. Coriolanus bends to one knee, and silently gathers your notes which are littered across the ground. You stare at the young man, whose almost expressionless face seems to hide just the slightest hint of anger. As he collects the last of your notes, he offers his hand to you, and you take it without hesitation.

Once you are standing, you try to thank him, but before you can utter the words, he has turned his attention back to Livia Cardew.


Coriolanus had thought to himself about his plans for the proposal, which was awaited by Dr. Gaul. Although he had a large influence in the previous Hunger Games, his control could come into question now that the proposal was open to all the senior students of the University. A tightrope he has been walking since the start of the 10th Hunger Games, his carefully cultivated rise to power was once again threatened by another test from Dr. Gaul. He has done too much, lost too much, to let the rope be cut now, so soon before he reached the stability of power he desired. As the University comes into view, so too does a sight that puts a scowl on Snow's face, one he quickly erases.

Livia Cardew, bullying that girl again. Coriolanus was not one to get involved in the squabbles of children, but it came to him. Perhaps he could put Cardew off her game, as she was one of many threats to his success during the proposals. He approached the two girls, and immediately sees Cardew tense up in his presence. He always enjoyed using his reputation to his advantage, especially against the likes of someone like Cardew.

Coriolanus looked at the girl on the ground. He didn't know much about her, as their interaction had been limited to cordial greetings. An acquaintance at most, he had only taken note of her as a target of Cardew's wrath after Arachne's death. Perhaps that's the reason Cardew took to her, like a snake wrapping around its prey at its most vulnerable.

The girl was undeniably pretty, but could easily fall into a crowd. Her grades were average from what Coriolanus could gather, and she had never made an impression on any influential students or professors. She would surely struggle once she was let out into the Capitol.

Dozens of papers were scattered across the ground, that seemed as good a place as any to start. Coriolanus knelt down, and started to collect the school notes. His eyes quickly glanced through the pages. He couldn't gather much, but these were clearly the makings of a proposal for the direction of the upcoming Hunger Games. Snow's eyes lit up as he gathered the last of the pages. This encounter may have more to offer than he originally thought. Rosalyn was her name, wasn't it? Like a Rose...

Whispers of Snake and Rose - Coriolanus Snow x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum