An Olive Branch

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You and Cardew both wait for Coriolanus to open his mouth. You are standing now, in the presence of the superstar of the University. His presence alone is overwhelming, and you can feel the confidence radiating off the young man. You almost feel sorry for Cardew, who seems to be breaking just from his gaze alone. Even though she comes from a powerful family in her own right, everyone at the university is aware of the superstar Snow, and his potential in the Capitol.

"Livia, please get to class. I wouldn't want someone of your stature to be late for such an unbecoming reason, Dr. Gaul can be rash at times, and I can assure you, this circus is something she would struggle to tolerate."

Livia seems on the verge of tears, as all three of you know that the young man's words were more than a mere threat. She quickly gathers herself, mumbling what you believe is an apology, and excuses herself before tears start to flow. As you turn back to Coriolanus, ready to thank him, he quickly clasps your hand, taking you by surprise.

"Rosalyn. Are you alright?"

You are surprised that he remembered your name. You had thought he only cared enough to remember the names of the top students since his academy days. Perhaps because of Arachne, he decided to commit your name to memory early on. He must have picked her out as someone who had potential.

"Coriolanus, thank you very much for the help. I appreciate you for collecting my papers, I wouldn't want to be any more of a bother."

Coriolanus cracked a slight smile at your last comment.

"It's no bother at all, Rosalyn, far from it. In fact, I would love to invite you to my office later today, after classes. Only if it pleases you, of course."

Coriolanus's smile widens to a grin as he observes your response to his request. You silently nod your head as Coriolanus returns your things.

"Excellent, I'll see you then. Make sure to dry off as well, I assure you, Dr. Gaul won't mind tardiness from you, that I can assure you."

With that, Coriolanus releases your hand. He gives a wink, and without another word,he heads towards class, leaving you in confusion. What does he want with an average student like you? The only thing you can hope for is that it's nothing negative. The only choice you have is to go to his office. No one turns down Coriolanus Snow.


As Coriolanus enters his office, he thinks about his conversation with Rosalyn earlier in the day, if you could even call it that. Shy, reserved, quiet. Her few words to him were polite, yet stiff, as if she's been trained like a dog to answer in niceties.

However, the girl was not unnoteworthy as she appeared. She had talent. Her notes were nothing short of what Coriolanus had put together 5 years ago. Her proposal was excellent, to say the least, and there is no shortage of aggressive competition waiting to take his place. Working in teams was the name of this year's proposals, and Coriolanus could use someone who knew their place, with talent to boot.

Compared to the rest of the students, looking to make their name and break away from the hands that have fed them since birth, this girl was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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