𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, Not Fair

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𝘑𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘈 sat her plate of food down on the table in front of her, sat down, and spread a cloth napkin out onto her lap. She carefully places two sandwich slices in her napkin before laying a biscuit on top and folding the napkin over the food. She then stands up, preparing to make her way to the Capitol zoo. 

She shoved the food into her green bag, as she'd given Treech her favorite brown one. 

Juliana made her way out of the school doors and began the walk toward the zoo.

"Treech, Lamina! Hey!" Juliana yells, waving frantically at the two who were sat on a log near the edge of the cage, catching they're attention. 

Juliana stops inches away from the cage, attempting to catch her breath. Treech stands up and makes his way over toward the panting girl. "Hi," Treech says with a small chuckle, grabbing one of the bars with his hand. "Hey," Juliana replied, her lips curving into a wide grin. "Oh, Lamina. She— uhm. She has your bag." The boy informs Juliana, peering over his shoulder to the red-headed girl. "Lamina," He says, getting her attention. She quickly understands and reaches for something beside the log. Juliana tilts her head, looking past Treech as Lamina stood up with Juliana's bag in hand. 

Lamina quickly rushes toward Treech and his mentor, holding the dirtied brown bag out in front of her. "Thank you so much, Lamina," Juliana says, giving Lamina a grateful smile.

"Here," She says, reaching into the bag that she had brought more food in. She carefully unwraps the napkin to reveal the two sandwich slices and biscuit. "For us?" Lamina asks, softly. Juliana nods her head and hums, extending the food toward the two tributes. "Thank you," Lamina says quietly as she takes a sandwich slice in her hand. "Of course," Juliana smiles. Treech then reaches for the other half of the sandwich muttering a soft, "thanks," as well. 

Juliana's attention shifted to the other side of her, taking notice of her classmate — Arachne — teasing her own tribute with a bottle with some sort of drink inside of it. She was teasing her as if she was a dog reaching for a treat. Every time she'd reach her hand out for the bottle, Arachne would pull it away from her. Brandy — Arachne's tribute — seemed to become more and more frustrated as the teasing continued. 

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Juliana, causing Treech and Lamina to direct they're gaze upwards. "Uhm... Juliana," Lamina says, her eyebrows lowered. Juliana reacts quickly, looking over her shoulder and above her to see her classmate — Pliny, or as he likes to be called — Pup Harrington.

"Juliana," Pup greets with a weak grin. "Pup," the girl greets back, tearing up a small piece of grass she'd plucked from the ground. 

"You must be Lamina," Pup says, his focus now on the District 7 girl. "I'm Pup, your mentor," He adds, crouching down in front of the cage and holding out his hand for Lamina to shake. Lamina backed away from the boy, holding her sandwich to her chest as if she expected him to take it. "It's okay, Lamina," Juliana says, giving the uneasy girl an assuring smile and nod, making Lamina feel a bit better as she trusted the girl. 

"Why don't we go somewhere else to chat, hm?" Pup suggests to the cautious red-headed girl, standing up and tilting his head in the direction he wanted to go. Lamina reluctantly follows him to the other side of the cage so they would have at least a bit of privacy to strategize before the games. 

Juliana's attention directs back to Treech, who was now nibbling on the corner of his sandwich. "What's with all these people?" Treech asks, his mouth full. Juliana sighs before informing the boy. "A classmate suggested getting closer to the tributes," She started. "And he thought if— if we made the tributes more likable to the public... they could place bets on who they thought would win," Juliana said, rubbing one of the metal bars with her thumb, dirtying the finger a bit. "Oh," Treech murmured, making Juliana's eyes focus back on the boy and away from the concrete ground she was fixated on.  "It's shitty, I know," Juliana said.

"How do I become... likable?" Treech asked, setting his sandwich down on the napkin that Juliana had placed next to him. "You are likable, we just need to get the Capitol to see that," Juliana replied. Treech's expression shifts to a look as if she we're lying straight to his face. "Well, I like you," Juliana says, noticing his change in expression. "You don't know me." The boy mutters, just loud enough for Juliana to hear. "I know you enough to know that I like you." The corners of Treech's mouth turned up after hearing Juliana's words, leading the girl to smile back to him. 

"Okay... You like me. But, what about the Capitol?" Treech asks, changing back to their previous conversation. "Well..." Juliana trails off, lost in thought as she tried to come up with a way to make Treech more likely to receive donations from the Capitol during the Games. "Your charming, right?" Juliana asks, her gaze directing back toward the boy after staring off into the sky while she thought. "Uh, I dunno..." He replies, lightly chewing on his lip. "I'm sure you are," Juliana whispered, both of her hands now resting on the bars of the cage. 

An angered grunt could be heard beside Juliana, causing her and Treech to direct they're attention toward Arachne and Brandy. But before anyone could react, Brandy smashed the glass bottle on the cage and forced it directly into Arachne's neck, causing her to fall to the ground and frantically attempt to breathe. Juliana let out a gasp as she watched blood pool out of Arachne's neck. Coriolanus quickly rushed to her side and attempted to get her help. "It's okay. It's okay. Hold on. Hold on. Hey, look at me. Hey, hold on. It's okay. I'll get help." Coriolanus promised to the dying girl as she struggled to breathe. "Somebody help us, please!" He cried out as Juliana watched the peacekeepers approaching with their guns. She quickly realized what was about to happen. "Brandy—" Juliana yelled, her warning being cut off by the sound of gunshots and the tribute falling to the dirt as the rest of the tributes hid for cover. 

Arachne stopped struggling and her breath was now stilled and gone. Peacekeepers ran to the distraught boy and began to drag him away from the scene as he cried. Soon after, peacekeepers came for Juliana and Sejanus who were left behind while the focus was still on Coriolanus. 

Juliana scanned the cage at the terrified tributes while being dragged away by two peacekeepers. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her feet dragged on the ground, the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor being the peacekeepers forcing her away from the cage. 

Once Juliana arrived home from the zoo she was demanded to sit at the dining room table as her mother berated her for being "reckless". "What were you thinking? You could have been hurt or worse, killed!" Her mother yelled, her teeth bared at her own daughter while pacing in front of her. Juliana immediately realized she was not talking about the peacekeepers. "They're just kids, mom!" Juliana shouted, standing from her seat to become level with the angry woman. "And was that District 10 girl "just a kid" when she stabbed your classmate in the throat?" She rebutted, placing her hands on her hips. Juliana sighs, sitting back down. "Exactly," The woman says, calming herself down just a bit before speaking again. "You are forbidden from going back to that damn zoo." 

"What!?" Juliana barked, furrowing her eyebrows in disbelief and anger. "Since when have you cared what I do?" She argues. "Since always." Her mother replies, sternly. "Bullshit!" Juliana yells, slamming her palm on the table and standing up once again. "Excuse me!?" Her mothers says, in shock of the vulgar word leaving her perfect daughters lips. "Your acting like every other Capitol suck up. Acting like people from the Districts are animals. You forget, we're District, mom." 

The furious woman refuses to look Juliana's way, licking the inside of her cheek and shaking her head lightly as she listened to her daughter shout at her. "You abandoned everyone back in 4. You know that, right? Or were you too worried about yourself to even notice?" 

Her mother was out of words. Her daughter was right, after all. She did abandon 4. 

"Yeah, thought so." Juliana says, her forest green eyes glaring at the defeated woman. Juliana lets out a deep, disappointed sigh before stomping to her room and making sure to slam the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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𝓹𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮 - treech x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now