61 | Without Him

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The mansion echoed with an eerie silence as I roamed through it after days that became weeks. I stayed in the room that we shared, tears stained on my cheeks as I replayed the tape I'd given to Dante as a gift for Christmas. The clips bring me back to times when I had him. A feeling of loneliness that became familiar over the span of weeks, washed over me as I recalled our last time together for the millionth time.

Dante hadn't been here for weeks on end, and the absence of his presence began to feel more profound with each passing moment.

With a heavy heart, I decided to go to his study. As I stepped into the dimly lit room of his study, I looked around, vivid memories of us here, in this very office, cramming every corner of my mind.

As I stepped into the room, a familiar feeling washed over me. The air was thick with a sense of nostalgia, almost as if it was echoing with whispers of the past. Every corner of the room seemed to carry pieces of our complicated relationship, reminding me of the memories that we shared.

Inhaling, the faint scent of his cologne filled my senses, and for a moment, I was transported back to the time when I felt secure, and protected in his hold. I walked over to his desk and ran a finger across its surface, feeling the chill of the wood beneath my skin.

Opening one of the drawers, Polaroids revealed themselves. I picked them up, spreading them across the desk. The collection showcased Polaroids of us from our teenage years, except for one: An image of us on Christmas, another from his uncle's trattoria hugging, and another old Polaroid of him smiling wide, lifting me over his shoulder. I need a drink.

The creak of a door snapped me out of my thoughts. With a turn of my head, I saw Lorenzo. I quickly shoved the Polaroids into my pocket.

"Lorenzo, where is Dante? I haven't seen him in days." My voice carried a blend of worry and frustration.

When he finally locked eyes with me, I caught a glimpse of his guarded expression.

Clearing his throat, he spoke up, "Diana, there are things you don't know. Dante is dealing with some issues right now."

Tilting my head, my eyes narrowed. "Issues? What kind of issues, Lorenzo? I deserve to know."

Lorenzo sighed, taking a moment to speak again. "Dante's involved in some complicated matters. Legal matters..." He spoke with an unnecessarily guarded professionalism, masking the raw truth.

Moving toward him, I crossed my arms. "Be more specific, Lorenzo." I pressed, my piercing gaze unwavering.

He averted his weary eyes once more. "He's facing serious charges, and I'm working on a solution."

My heart dropped, my mind racing with questions that probably weren't going to be answered.

"Charges? What did he do?" My voice was slightly shaky.

Lorenzo shook his head. "Diana, there are aspects of Dante's life that he keeps hidden from you. It's to protect you."

At that point, my patience was already gone. "Protect me? Is that all anyone has to say to me when I ask about the man that I love." Uncontrably, the volume of my voice raised, my outrage palpable.

"If he's in trouble, I need to be there for him. Tell me everything." I pressed.

"He asked me not to tell you anything. But he did want me to tell you..." Lorenzo hesitated. "That he loves you." His gaze softened barely, betraying the remnants of empathy that I thought was beyond him.

Sparing me a reassuring glance, he left before I could respond. With the loss of another presence becoming more conscious to me, tears prickled my eyes.

Whispers of Passion ✔️ | (18+) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt