63 | A Letter To Diana

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The backstage buzz enveloped me-a heady mix of nervous excitement, the fragrance of newly tailored fabrics, and the distant hum of conversations present through the air. I found myself caught between the present and a past I couldn't escape. As my eyes skimmed the inked words, my heart felt combusted in my chest at the overwhelming emotions.

My Dearest Diana,

I find myself lost in the echoes of our shared laughter. I hope one day, I'll be able to see you on the runway. I know you're amazing without even seeing you. You were destined for greatness long before the world recognized it.

Understand that you're the person who helps me move forward each day and that I'm not willing to forget you or what we had. My love for you will never diminish, even if I never see daylight again.

The world awaits the unveiling of your beauty, you're doing amazing and never let your ambition go to waste, principessa.

- Love, Dante.

Dante's words etched into the paper held a power over me, and I felt the weight of emotions welling up. As I delicately touched the cross necklace, a tangible connection to him, a single tear escaped, betraying the strength of my emotions and staining the piece of the letter. The catwalk awaited me, but Dante's words lingered.

Naomi appeared in the reflection of the mirror, "Diana, we're on." Naomi's tone was firm but her expression was empathetic and understanding, knowing what I was reading.

A forced smile played on my lips as I patted away a solitary tear. With Dante's words echoing in my mind, I rose, resolved to face the catwalk with the strength Dante believed I possessed.

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