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                                             * B I A N A ' S   P O V *

"So, I have something to announce." Alden said from the head of the dining table at Everglen. 

I watched him in interest along with my brother, our mother Della smiling slightly. Something was definitely up.

"I know it has been a few days since I arrived back from The Forbidden Cities, but I thought that I should let everything smooth out a bit before I told you about this."

I tapped my fork on my plate. "So? Are you going to tell us?"

"Yes, all in good time," Alden replied with a sharp look at his daughter.  "I thought since Fitz has finished Foxfire and Biana has started the Elite Levels, you two are old enough to do more things on your own."

Of course I'm old enough, I thought. I'm eighteen!

"In the Forbidden Cities, I was given a voucher for a week long private cruise ship. It has-"

Fitz put his spoon down. "What is a cruise ship?" His accented voice carried through the crisp air of the Vacker's dining room. 

Della glared at him. "Don't interrupt your father, Fitz. Sorry, Alden, dear, carry on."

Fitz mumbled something along the lines of "Am I not allowed to ask questions now?" but both Della and Alden ignored it.

Alden turned to his son. "A ship is a big vessel that floats on water, which humans find great pleasure in staying on, and I can see why. A cruise ship has all sorts of entertainments and luxury, which is very expensive in the Forbidden Cities."

My mother, Fitz and I continued listening intently, dinner completely forgotten.

"We are privileged to have such easy access to a grandeur like this. I though that you two could choose a few friends each to come with you. Her Royal Highness leaves in four days."

Me and Fitz looked at each other, and I saw excitement flashing in my brother's eyes; I knew mine were doing the same, already planning who we were planning to take.

Della looked at us and smiled. "Well, this is exciting news, isn't it?" 

Fitz and I nodded, already clearing the table of dishes. It only took us a few minutes to finish tidying up, after which we raced down the hallway to discuss this new development...

Wow, I can't believe I finished a chapter!! *pats back*  Sorry it was short, but it's just a prologue so it's meant to be shorter - I swear the actual chapters will be longer. I would also love comments if you have any, and it was probably not a very good chapter so feel free to give me some different ideas for this scene. 
Love you guys <3


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