Chapter Two

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A/N Happy New year's to anyone in the Southern Hemisphere with me! 2024, wow! Comment if your country does fireworks at midnight and you stayed up to watch them.

                                              ^^ D E X ' S    P O V ^^

", guys? I'll stay back." I said quietly.

Sophie stared at me. "Dex? No, you don't get enough opportunities in your life like this - I'll stay back."

I was infuriated. What did she mean, I didn't get opportunities in my life? Of course I got opportunities! 

So I voiced just that. 

"What do you mean by that?" I growled. 

Sophie looked taken aback. "I-what? N-no I mean you don't get to, things like this...uh often enough-"

"Save it." I said. "It's because of my parents and siblings, isn't it? The bad match and the triplets! You think that because we're not in the nobility-"

Sophie - and everyone else around - was staring at me like I was crazy. Fitz especially. "Dex!" he hissed.

"WHAT?!" I was yelling now. 

(Dex is BOLD, Fitz is italics)

Dex, there are humans around us!

I jumped as a crisp, accented voice filled my head.

Fitz? You broke into my mi-

Yes, well, we're in The Forbidden Cities now, normal rules don't apply. And plus, there are humans staring! You literally just said 'bad match' AND 'nobility'! Humans don't know what that is!


"Ahem." Emma looked at me pointedly. "I'm sorry sir, but if you are going to be acting hostile to our other customers, I'm going to have to ask you leave the ship."

What was I doing? I didn't want to leave, not at all. Had I just risked my friendship with Sophie? Had I blown the rest of our cover - had I shown that we aren't humans?

I tried giving Sophie a desperate stare, but she was just looking from me to the tickets, her eyes shining with tears.

"Sophie, I-"

Biana stared at me. "Hey Dex, I have an idea; why don't you just stop talking before anyone else gets hurt."

I scowled. "Fine! You know what? Fine! I'll go. Have your little human holiday-" This earned more glares from the elves. Keefe facepalmed and Fitz ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes, as if he was exasperated by me or something. 

"-without me! I can have fun by myself too you know." And with that I stormed out of the hatch, pushing random people aside. 

                                              **--__--** THIRD PERSON**--__--**

Everyone just stared after him. Everything was silent for a while, until Emma broke it. 

"Excuse me? Um...beautiful people? (A/N sorry I just had to add that XD) Your tickets?"

Linh jumped, but regained her dignity and smiled sweetly. "Here you are."

Emma beamed at Linh. "Thank you. Jericho will escort you to your room. Next please, and apologies for the hold up."

Jericho smiled widely at us, his bright blue eyes shining. "This way." 

He led them along quite a long corridor, which was surprisingly plain - there wasn't as much gold, no chandeliers and circle windows - so Sophie was sure they were walking along one side of the ship. 

But the plain-ness ended at the end of the corridor. Jericho opened a silvery door with the words Section A emblazoned in gold on the face of the door. 

"Your quarters," Jericho said coolly. "Here is a map of this Section, you may choose your own rooms." He handed Tam the map. "Have a lovely trip. There should also be a schedule of events that will be happening on board on your map." Tam nodded.

Everyone thanked Jericho on their way through the door, Linh especially. 

"Hey Sophie?" Fitz murmured in Sophie's ear.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Did you notice that Jericho guy's eyes?"

Sophie gulped. She'd hoped that no one else would notice - that it would be a figment of her vivid imagination. "Yes. Strange, isn't it, for a human."

"I know," Fitz said. "I've only ever seen a few other people who look like him, and they're all elves."

Sophie froze. "You don't think-"

Fitz bit his lip. "I think we better be careful around him. Though," he said a little sourly, "I think Linh's already taken to him."

Sophie sucked in a breath. "I hope we're worrying about nothing."

Fitz nodded gravely. "Me too."

Thanks for reading (if there even is anyone there haha)!! 703 words - I think that's a record for me! Don't forget to comment and vote!

-Topsy :D

Note- I will be going on holiday with family for a week (I'm leaving on Jan 6 and coming back on Jan 13) so I won't be able to post for a while. I'm really sorry and I promise I'll post when I get back. Hope everyone's having a great 2024 so far :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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