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Beyoncé POV

"WHO THE FUCK PUT THEIR HANDS ON MY CHILD?!" i yelled storming into the front office of my kids school

Less than 20 minutes ago, I got a call from the school saying my eldest daughter had just gotten into a huge fight during lunch and needed to be picked up.

Now i don't know what the hell is going on but my chloe was an angel. she didn't do anything to anyone!

she was sensitive and introverted, she didn't have many friends, hell she barely even spoke, thats how i knew whatever happened today was complete bullshit!

"mommy stop yelling" Chloe spoke softly causing my head to snap in her direction

i saw my baby sitting next to a pretty brownskin girl in a cheer uniform.

i can't lie, she looked kinda rough like she had been living a hard life but that could probably be from the fight

i've never seen her before though, which was strange because i knew all my children's friends.

the girl was trembling uncontrollably, as if she was having a nervous breakdown right here in the middle of the office

"chloe elizabeth.." was all i said and chloe's head dropped knowing what i was about to ask

"mommy i'm sorry! I was just helping my friend, they were bullying her" Chloe spoke quickly wrapping her arms around the terrified cheerleader.

I honestly didn't know what to think, was i supposed to be mad that she started a fight or happy that she stood up for her friend?

"are you ok hun?" I asked the shaking child but she didn't respond

" Love's scared..."  Chloe told me simply

i noticed the principal walk out with two little white girls who were absolutely fucked up!

I'm talking faces red, bloody noses, messy hair, one girl even had a knot on her head the size of a rock that she tried to cover up with an ice pack.

I looked over at my daughter who held a guilty expression on her face watching the girls and their parents walk out the office doors giving us nasty glares.

lord what has this child done?!

"You ladies can come in now" Principal Miles spoke and i let both girls walk in before following suit.

"As you may already know Mrs Carter, there was an altercation in the lunch room involving your daughter and 3 other girls." the principal spoke and i nodded.

chloe was way to busy consoling her friend, to even care about what the principal was talking about.

she's always been such a protective person, especially since the disappearance of her twin sister.

16 years ago, my daughter Halle Lynn Carter was abducted while playing on the playground during a friends birthday party.

When the abduction occurred, I had just given birth to my third child Blue Ivy Carter.

What was supposed to be one of the most beautiful days of my life turned into a nightmare, when my kids nanny called to tell me that my daughter had went missing from the sandbox she had left her to play in

For years, we searched and searched for Halle to no avail. Despite it being a children's party with many adults supervising, no one seemed to see my baby wandering off or being snatched away by anyone.

It angered me that everyone made it seem like my child had just disappeared into thin air, when i knew that wasn't the case!

she was only one years old for god's sake, she could barely walk! She was just a baby, she never should have been left unattended in that sandbox in the first place.

There were over a dozen incompetent adults at that party who allowed my baby to be kidnapped 16 years ago and i had to live with that...

What made everything worse was the fact that Chloe had such a strong attachment to her twin sister, she became a completely different child when we lost her

Halle's disappearance was, and still is one of the biggest mysteries of the decade! We haven't been able to find her yet but none of us have given up hope

Shawn and I vowed not to let this break us down because we had to be strong, not only for ourselves but for our 4 other children who needed their parents.

We were gonna find Halle and when we did, we were gonna bring her back into the same loving, caring home she was taken away from

"North Vista Academy has a strict zero tolerance policy for fighting of any kind. Fights of this magnitude usually results in immediate 5 day out of school suspension, but since I've yet to find any disciplinary issues in either of the girls records I'll be showing leniency by giving them both 2 day suspensions." the principal spoke and before anyone could say anything i noticed young woman barge into the office

she couldn't have been any older than 20 or 21, definitely not a student but she sure as hell wasn't anyones parent. At least not a parent to anyone who goes to this school.

"Love, let's go" the girl spoke and i looked over at Chloe's friend who had just completely burst into tears

"Mrs Johnson please-.." Principal Miles spoke but the young woman just rudely held up a finger silencing him

"NOW!" The woman screamed at the crying girl causing Love to jump up and run to her.

Why was she yelling at her like that? The girl looked scared out of her mind, obviously there was something wrong...

Just what was wrong is something that intrigued me..

"For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light." Chloe's friend mumbled under her breath before she was snatched up by her collard shirt and drug out of the school

After that I quickly realized that i wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, so after thanking and apologizing to the principal on Chloe's behalf I checked out Blue and we all left the school.

I decided to pick up my 6 year old twins Rumi and Sir from school as well, just because i was already out.

"We didn't get to go to recess mommy!" Rumi complained climbing into her booster seat and i just shook my head.

"I'll let you two go swimming when we get home, are you guys hungry?" I asked counting to make sure I had all my children with me.

The abduction made me extra paranoid, I didn't trust nannies or chauffeurs anymore.

I did pick up and drop off for my children everyday now, if there was a birthday party my kids are invited too, i must be in attendance or i'd drive myself crazy making up worst case scenario situations.

I had severe trust issues especially when it came to my children, I had to count my children at least 4 times a day to make sure all of them were still with me.

Over time it's gotten better with therapy but it was still bad, and i doubt it'll get any better.

Not until i get my babygirl back!

"I want a burger and fries, the greasy kind" Sir said making me laugh at his way of requesting McDonalds

"Hopefully they got some fresh cookies, who knew fighting gives you a sweet tooth" Chloe's spoke and Blue just laughed

The two of them started gossiping about how bad Chloe and her friend whooped those little white girls.

Shawn is gonna have a fit when i tell him his daughter got into a fight.

pulling into the McDonalds i noticed Chloe's friend, walking out the restaurant with multiple different food bags in her hands. She was still trembling, her shirt was all stretched out and she looked terrified

I know i should mind my business but it was just something about the girl that just didn't sit right with me!

and i was gonna figure out what it was...

chapter one 🫢 let's get into it now!

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