the fae

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The sound of a howl reached the ears of jack : the man that had been around all my life. He looked up startled enough to walk away from his customer. He listened intently for a few seconds; thereafter, he looked around and started to shoo the customers out. All of the customers looked confused; none of them had heard the howl. In fact, he was so distracted he bustled a customer out with a necklace still in hand. Once all of the customers had left he locked up and entered the garage. He pressed a secret button under the workbench and the floor opened, revealing a motorcycle that looked like it just came out of a spy movie. Instead of jumping on he crouched down next to it and ran his fingers along the wolf insignia on the side. "Taepa iet saet" "hello old Friend" he said. the wolf glowed warmly in response. He jumped on and said "lets go meet our cousin".

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