Cheating and Punishment

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T.W. cheating, drugs, overstimulation
S/O to lily_ buyako for the suggestion

Cas and Dean were out at a nice club. The music was pounding, lights were flashing, people were dancing haphazardly and both boys were tipsy and feeling the esctasy kicking in. Both Cas and Dean were dancing close together with Cas moving quick awkwardly without a care thanks to the drugs coursing through his system and Dean was enjoying the vibe.
"Want another drink?" Dean said in Cas's ear having to shout to be heard over the base of the music. When Cas nodded, Dean manoeuvred his way through the crowd of sweating bodies to the bar.
"A rum and coke and a beer" he shouted to the bartender once he made it to the bar. The bartender nodded and went to grab the drinks and Dean turned around to look for Cas in the crowd. The moment he spotted Cas, decked in leather pants and an unbuttoned short sleeve was now grinding up on a random man. Dean felt anger course through his body as he watched the stranger wind his arm around Cas's waist.
"Your drinks, sir. That'll be $19.80" the bartender said, momentarily distracting Dean from the infuriating sight. Dean through a $20 to the bartender and snatching the drinks from the bar and shoved back to Cas, freezing in anger as he saw Cas and the stranger making out. Dean chugged the beer and the rum and coke before slamming the glasses on a near by table watching Cas get himself into more trouble by continuing to kiss the man. Dean finally lost his control and marched back up to Cas and ripped the stranger off him and punched him straight in the nose. While the man looked stunned and held his bloody nose, Dean grabbed Cas's arm and forcibly lead him out of the club.
Once outside, Dean hailed a cab while still gripping tight on Cas's arm.
"What's wrong Dean?" Cas asked, sounding very out of it.
"We'll discuss it tomorrow when you have sobered up" Dean replied trying to not snap too harshly at Cas, knowing that his boyfriend was too drunk and definitely too high to have any kind of conversation.

It was already mid afternoon when Cas finally woke up and groggily came out of their bedroom to find Dean sitting on the couch in the living room watching some office reruns on the TV.
"Morning" Cas croaked stumbling into the kitchen, grabbing a glass to full up with water. After downing the contents and popping a few painkillers, he felt a little more awake and walked back into the living to find the TV turned off and Dean staring at the floor.
"Hi babe, I bought you some water and pain killers too incase you wanted them" he said putting them down hesitantly on the coffee table in front of Dean but Dean still ignored him.
"What's wrong?" Cas said feeling a little nervous at his boyfriends face.
"So what was his name or did you not get to that part before you let him stick his tongue down you're throat?" Dean said still staring at the same spot on the floor. Cas felt his stomach drop suddenly remembering the events of last night.
"I'm so sorry, Dean. I was pretty far gone last night. Please Dean. I'm sorry" Cas said, afraid of the punishment he knew he would get.
"You will be" Dean said making Cas's stomach drop again and also feeling a little twitch in his underwear at the thought of his punishment.
"Go upstairs, strip and kneel on the bed" Dean ordered still staring. Cas headed back down the hall, quickly stripped, folded his clothes nicely, put them on the chair just how Dean liked it and kneeled on the bed with his head bowed waiting for Dean to come in. After a good few minutes, Cas heard Dean walked in slowly. Cas fought the urge to look up when he heard Dean rummaging throught the draws, taking off his shoes and walking up to the bed. Cas felt a little excitement at the anticipation when Dean's shoes came into view.
"Roll over onto all fours" Dean demanded making Cas rushed to flip over and once he got into position, Dean grabbed a fistful of Cas's light brown curls.
"OK Cas. Why are you being punished?" Dean asked moving his hand down Cas's body feeling a little proud at how well Cas was behaving.
"Because I got drunk and high last night and made out with someone who is not you," Cas said, feeling goosebumps forming behind Dean's hand that continued to trail along his back.
"Good boy. Same rules as normal. Yellow for slow down and red for stop" Dean said, waiting for Cas to nod in agreement before giving Cas a harsh smack on his left buttcheeck, smirking when Cas let out a yelp.
"Since you like to get off without me, I'm going to let you cum over and over again while I watch" Dean said letting the smirk show into voice as Cas let out a low whine at Dean's words getting a little antsy while waiting for Dean to make his first move.
"Yes sir" Cas said not worrying about the neediness into his voice.
"Good boy" Dean said again while forcibly pulling Cas's leg out from underneath him chuckling at Cas's squeak in surprise. Cas barely had time to realise that he was now laying flat on his stomach and Dean was tying his legs spread-eagled to the bed posts and had already started making his way up the bed, giving Cas another spank on his right buttcheek as he walked past. He then grabbed Cas's wrists the tied them to the bed posts as well. Cas was getting turned on already and subtly rocked his hips against the mattress below to get a little friction.
Unfortunately he wasn't subtle enough because Dean gave Cas another 2 spanks and saying "don't be so needy, slut." Cas moaned out at the name.
Dean reached under Cas while pulling his hips up slightly and stroked his cock a couple of times while Cas gasped. Once again Cas whined as Dean let him go and disappeared momentarily. Cas heard a click as Dean opened the lube and coated a vibrator. Dean smirked again at the thought of whats to come. Dean walked back over to Cas and gave Cas's butt a harsh squeeze before he lined up the vibrator with Cas's hole. Cas's hole clenched in anticipation as Dean slowly began pushing the vibrator in. Cas moaned at the slightly painful stretch but Dean was slow, twisting and pausing to make sure it wasn't too painful for Cas. Once the vibrator was fully in, Cas let out a really loud moan as the object pushed up against his prostate. Suddenly he moaned even louder as the vibrations started.
"Enjoy your time baby. I'm going to sit right over here and watch. You can cum as many times as you can." Dean said while undoing his pants and sitting down enjoying the show as Cas continued moaning and squirming. Dean palmed himself through his underwear.
"Deeeeean. It feels so good. I'm getting close already" Cas moaned out, letting out a scream as the vibration increased and Cas convulsed and released all over the bed. He continued scream moaning through his orgasm while Dean let out a little moan at the sight. Cas started coming down from his orgasm but the vibrations didn't stop and Cas was getting hard again quickly. Dean got up and walked over to Cas again, trailing his hands over Cas's body continuing to enjoy the sounds coming from his squirming boyfriend.
"Deeeean. Dean. Please," Cas moaned out, groaning as Dean moved the vibrator slightly, making it hit a slightly different angle.
"Please what angel" Dean said, smirking at his joke.
"Just please. Going to cum again. I can't. Please Dean," Cas let out followed by another screaming orgasm. The orgasm made Cas's vision blurry and he humped the bed sheets as he rode it out.
"Naw good boy. You look so pretty like this. You are going to make me cum just watching you" Dean said as Cas started whining from the vibrations still wracking his body.
"Pleeeease. It's too much. Deeeean I'm sorry its too much" Cas moaned as he cock painfully hardened again.
"Shhhh baby. It's OK. You can do one more, can't you, angel?" Dean said while reaching up to wipe away tears begin to drip from Cas's eyes. Cas felt his orgasm building again and was whimpering and whining the entire time, trying to keep his hips up to keep his overstimulated cock up off the mattress.
"I'm going to cum again. Dean I'm scared, it hurts," Cas whined out. Dean's hands rubbed over Cas's body comfortingly.
"OK baby, you are so close. This is it. Just one more," Dean said reassuringly, watching Cas carefully. Then Cas let out a loud scream and sob as he cum again. He convulsed all over and as his vision went black. Dean was ready and quickly shut off the vibrator, stroking Cas's body as Cas came down off his high.
"I'm sorry Dean. I'm so sorry Dean. I'll never kiss anyone but you again. I promise. I'm sorry" Cas sobbed out as Dean shushed him and slowly pulled out the vibrator making Cas whine loudly.
"It's OK baby. I know you are sorry. You did so well," Dean said. He went to work untying Cas, making sure to leave plenty of kisses and soft touches all over the boy on the bed to soothe him.
"Angel, I'll be right back OK," Dean said as he gave Cas a peck on the lips, rushed to the bathroom to start the tub and to the kitchen to grab some water. He came back to the room to see Cas still in the same position as he left him.
"OK baby, I need you to sit up. Don't worry, I'll help" Dean said soothingly whilst slowly helping Cas role over and sit up. Cas whined as he was moved but Dean was really gentle with his boyfriend.
Once Cas was sitting up, he turned his head to look at Dean with his tear stained face and said "I'm sorry Dean. I can't believe I ever kissed somebody else. It must have be--" but Dean cut him off with a kiss.
"It's OK baby. Just please never do it again. Here, drink this, then we'll get you in the bath" Dean said smiling fondly at the boy. Cas drank the water then gasped as Dean picked him up and carried him into the tub that was half full now. Dean quickly got undressed and got into the bath, hugging Cas and helping him wash.
"I love you angel," Dean said, pecking Cas's lips.
"I just realised, Dean did you get to cum too? I can help you out. I feel a little better now" Cas said with a concerned look on his face that made Dean chuckle.
"It's OK baby, I came right after your second orgasm. It was hard not to watching my pretty boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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