Romantic Evening

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Cas lay naked on a bed covered in rose petals as Dean walked in from his last hunt. He smirked as he admired his boyfriend's body.

'What's cooking, good looking' Dean said smugly.

'Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to get over here and fuck me' Cas said to Dean making Dean's pants tighter. Dean took off his jacket and shirt, tossing them to the side while kicking off his shoes. Cas smirked at Dean's eagerness as Dean practically launched at Cas connecting their lips together. Dean planked over the top of Cas and heatedly moved his lips and tongues against Cas's making Cas release a slight moan.

"I love you" Dean whispered against Cas's mouth making Cas flush pink and smile up at his boyfriend.

"I love you too Dean," Cas said back to Dean as Dean attaches his lips to Cas's jaw, sucking and nipping slightly. Dean then leaned back to yank his pants and boxers off, giving Cas a full-body look at his sex god of a boyfriend.

"You are so hot" Cas breathed out as he pushed himself up to lick Dean's abs making Dean shiver all over and whine. Cas yanked back and smirked at Dean at Dean's whine. He found it so hot though Dean was embarrassed.

"Dean, don't be embarrassed, it was hot," Cas told Dean softly making Dean blush and get harder.

"Do you want to talk about your hunt or suck my cock" Cas asked Dean, loving the way Dean's blush darkened and struggled to find his words.

"Uh - do I have to answer that?" Dean asks awkwardly.

"Come on baby boy, humour me" Cas replied, making Dean get hotter, harder and feel more humiliated just as Cas likes it. Dean would never admit to anyone but Cas that he loves to be humiliated.

"I don't want to talk about the hunt" Dean replies softly as he feels Cas's eyes boring into him.

"Well then get down on your knees and use that mouth for something other than stammering" Cas told Dean. Dean quickly dropped onto his knees in front of Cas's cock, mouth-watering at sight.

"What are you waiting for?" Cas teased as he grabbed a fist full of Dean's hair and pulled him closer to where he wanted him. Dean relaxed his jaw and opened his mouth wide as Cas's cock slowly slipped into his mouth. Cas tried to maintain control to stop him from just thrusting in and wrecking Dean, but Cas also knew that Dean loves to be used roughly. Dean looked up at Cas with watery eyes as if he knew what Cas was thinking and to tell him that he was all right with however Cas wanted to treat him. Cas took that as a good sign and gave a big thrust of his hips into Dean's mouth, making his cock hit the back of Dean's throat, causing him to gag a little. Dean tried to relax his throat and swallow around Cas. Dean ran his tongue up and down Cas's rod as Cas gripped Dean's hair to hold him in place. Cas moaned loudly and yanked Dean off of him.

"What - what's wrong?" Dean sputtered out.

"Nothing babe, I just want to try something new," Cas said, smirking. Dean just nodded and allowed Cas to lay him down on the bed and watched as Cas lay next to Dean but not face-to-face but instead face-to-cock.

"Now continue babe" Cas ordered as he moved his lips to Dean's cock making Dean whimper. Cas quickly took all of Dean into his mouth, taking Dean's breath away.

Cas sucked back until Dean popped out of his mouth and sternly said "suck Dean. We can suck at the same time." Dean and Cas both took the other's cock in their mouths, and Cas sucked hard making Dean moan around Cas. Dean thrust his hips further into Cas's mouth which Cas responded with a pinch on Dean's inner thigh. Both boys sucked harder and moaned into each other's mouths, causing a chain reaction of hard sucks, moans and thrusts. Almost simultaneously, both boys began to twitch signifying how close they both were. Cas released first due to the earlier actions, and Dean swallowed the load and suckled the tip to help him through his high. Once Cas finished, Dean pulled off with a lewd pop noise and released a loud moan at Cas's continuation to Dean's appendage. Cas pulled off and replaced his mouth with his hand and moved to a sitting position.

"Come on, baby boy, cum for me. All over my hand. Come on. I love you, Dean" Cas said in a hoarse voice. At Cas's words, Dean moaned loudly through his powerful orgasm. Cas reached over to grab tissues off the bedside table and clean his hands while Dean got back his breath.

"Wow. Why didn't we do that before?" Dean asked in between breaths. Cas leant towards Dean and connected their lips.

"I love you, Dean" Cas whispered against Dean's lips.

"I love you too, Cassie," Dean said with a smirk.

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