Akutagawa + Atsushi (ft. Dazai)

107 1 7

CW: mentions of (sfw) diaps, miscommunication,  negative emotions

Akutagawa woke up from his nap. His room was dark, but cozy. He loved to feel like a bat. In this case though, he woke up a baby bat.

He yawned as he exited the room, going to find Atsushi. He always knew what to do if he was feeling little. To his dismay, though, he found Dazai instead, flipping through a magazine on the couch. Its not that he disliked Dazai, but he felt Dazai disliked him, and creeped him out. As a carer, Dazai was okay with other littles like Ranpo and Chuuya, but when it came to him they were pretty awkward.

Akutagawa shuffled over, looking at Dazai as he still had his nose in the magazine.
"Mister?" He squeaked, and Dazai looked up, surprised.
"Whats up, squirt?" The man tilted his head, waiting for the little devil to speak.
"Where's Atsushi?" He managed to get out without his voice wavering. Dazai pointed to the next room.
"He's busy with something over there."

Akutagawa made his way over, and opened the door. He pouted a bit as he saw Atsushi busy at his desk, just as Dazai said. He approached, and slumped onto his shoulder, causing Atsushi to flinch.

"Ah—! Oh, hey Aku!" The other man turns and smiles. Akutagawa buries and nuzzles his face into Atsushi's back, making the other blush.
"Feeling cuddly today?" Akutagawa nods, and makes a small whine. He felt littler already in Atsushi's presence. The man gives a small kiss to his forehead.
"I have to work, Aku. I'm sorry I cant snuggle right now." Atsushis gaze goes soft, and his voice is low. He knows what Akutagawa was feeling.
"..No!" The boy whines, and squeezes his arms around his caregiver tightly. Atsushi sighs, and opens up a drawer, getting out colored pencils and a brand new coloring book containing farm animals. He holds it up to the boy, before offering it to him.

"How about you work on this, hm? Can you color some pages for me to hang on the fridge?" Akutagawa looks bleakly at the book. He didn't really want to color, he wanted direct attention from his carer.

"Uh-Uh..Can't!" The boy whines again, childishly sliding down to his knees. Atsushi sighs, and puts the supplies in his hands anyways.
"Go on and color at the kitchen table," Atsushi pats the littlers head. "You can do it, you're a big boy, right?"

Akutagawa was a big boy. He was supposed to be. His regressed age was 6 or 7, thats what he told Atsushi, and thats the age he agreed to care for. Anything else would've been too much, wouldn't it? Atsushi signed up for babysitting, not changing diapers. Akutagawa was scared that Atsushi would be dissapointed. He decided to try and be a big boy like he wanted.

He trudged to the kitchen table and crawled into a seat. He flipped through the book, and landed on a picture of a cat sleeping by a few hens in their nests. He smiled at it, thinking the cat was like Atsushi. He opened up the pencils and grabbed a fistful, before laying them next to the page he wanted. He began to color, using his fist. He did his best to stay in the lines, but ended up scribbling out of them. In the end, the paper looked a mess. Akutagawa tried his hardest, but he scoffed at it himself.

"Stupid Aku..s'pose be a big boy.." He mumbled to himself, tearing the page out. He got a bit thirsty after all that coloring. He skipped to Atsushis room again, and pounced on him from behind.

The man gasped loudly, almost throwing the stapler he had in his hand.
"Aku! Don't do that, its dangerous!" He scolded, causing the boy to shrivel up and take a step back.

"Sowwy.." He muttered, trying to wipe at his mouth as if it would make his baby talking go away. He ended up suckling on his knuckles.

"Its fine, sorry for yelling." Atsushi tried to give a little smile to the sad looking boy. He took his hands and lightly squeezed them. "Dont put your hands into your mouth, honey, they're very dirty." Akutagawa whined. He never brought up that he needs a pacifier, but really needed one. His eyes are brimming with tears now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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