a lot to explain

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When I first heard landed was in danger together me and hope decided we were going to sneak out and find him at any cost necessary obviously that didn't go to plan Alaric ended up finding us when we were grabbing the keys the whole time this man kept talking about biology of all things were being taught lessons on the road to find my big brother but the same time I was a bit stuck thinking about landing but at the same time I was wondering what did the necromancer mean when he said my father and hopes father are always bickering with one another I know that hope went back down there to speak with him I wasn't there at the time but apparently he ended up escaping with a knife but that's off topic right now we're focused on getting to Landon we ended up coming across an old couple hope kind of blew off the door but in the process we end up finding the bracelet or whatever the thing is that was leading us to Landon which means someone knew we were coming more than likely he's in danger so I went to the car inside the car with jugs filled with water big ones at that I've been practicing with my Powers a lot now I got a good hang of it I can now summon the closest source of water apparently the bitch had him tied up she was going to burn them with an iron until a monster came she killed the monster and now we're all at the hotel together after Alaric went inside she pointed a gun at his face immediately before either one of us could hope used a spell and snatch the gun away from her before either one of us could do anything else cuz I was going to snatch it all the water inside the bathroom and just throw it at her or was just going to make water shards and stab her with them but I didn't want to kill anybody yet at the time at least eventually everything calmed down many questions were asked but she ended up telling us to forget everything Landon wanted to know more and the first thing she said was I don't know who your father is and nobody asked that but okay a little while later her and Alaric went out and they were talking about God knows what I went out to the swimming pool because it's a place I love to be it's water it's like being with myself tell me why you walked in on hope and Landon making out Alaric ended up explaining the whole situation to Landon about the fact that he's the son of the demon mud pit yeah that makes sense but tell me why a fish monster came out of the tub no idea how it got through the drain but whatever but the thing is when it came out I could understand what it was saying he called me in atlantean explaining how his race and my race are closely related I was a bit confused because I'm pretty sure atlantean and means I'm from Atlantis the underwater kingdom does that make me Aquaman I thought for a second before realizing and explain the hope that I can understand everything that he's saying window coming up with the idea to just give him the key and follow him  when we got there things went South the next thing I remember is waking up and a grassy field no idea how I got there why I got there but one thing I know is I remember everything and it doesn't seem like hope Alaric or Landon does turns out I was wrong about that too hope did remember but a large didn't was confused me why could me and hope remember but not Landon and Alaric in the end we return to the school with the damn key which means there's more monsters to fight w. Alaric ends up giving us another meeting with all the students explaining how he found another artifact I end up hearing Landon ask Rafael have you seen hope but me I ended up leaving I went to the library I picked up on books these books were sectioned mikaelson family as I read the books I ended up stopping on the atrocities and figured it was no point in reading on the atrocities that the whole family caused before I found out what each individual member has done  starting with the oldest Freya honestly her book didn't have too much information because it was only recently discovered many years ago that she even was a member of the family according to the book they thought she died many years ago so I moved on to the next one finn for some reason this book just grasp my attention it started off 900 years ago apparently the only thing I think about is these guys are old like old old let's see murder murder
Murder oh mind control okay murder murder again honestly in comparison to the others not that much murder according to what it says in the book he started to hate being a vampire he started to hate killing people I mean make sense but humanity is a thing just turned it off apparently he did and according to the book The atrocities he committed were insane it put the others to shame made Klaus and kol look like angels
But but eventually his humanity came back by the help of a woman named sage I like that name as well for some reason the more I read his story The more upset I got he was daggered by his younger brother Klaus Hope's father for 900 years 900 years is insane amount of time too much if you ask me the others were also daggered but never for that long I have no idea what it's like to be daggered I don't ever want to find out but it seems that it's awful because as I read through all the mikaelsons had very bad reactions to it and none of them has ever been daggered as long as him so apparently when he came back he was killed a couple weeks later crazy honestly but it continued he came back to life which honestly I can't wrap my head around you mean to tell me that revival is possible and if it's possible to bring someone back from the dead if I determine who my parents are and The necromancer says they're dead basically a reaper then I could resurrect them but I'm not good at using actual witch spells I'm only good at using my hydormancer powers but I know that I am a witch a hydromancer is just a witch of water powers which means that I can practice different spells but if with that fish that is true and I can't practice different spells then I guess I'll never know but if there's any time to learn it's now apparently a creature that attack people dream showed up in the school yeah I was unaffected then you're figuring out pretty quickly how to take it down so I wasn't too concerned about it it only lasted a little day hoping Rafael had a spar Landon was talking with hope in a large a lot in the whole gang together was just doing their little thing
I ended up actually learning a small blast spill which only can blast small objects away but more or less I realize that I'm definitely a witch I ended up showing the spell that I learned to Alaric and Hope the spell was performed and it worked the same they end up giving me a book afterwards with many more spells in it explained that the more monsters come along they're going to need more powerful witches on top of this he handed me a water bottle keep watering here at all times because we're going to need you bro the next day we saw a unicorn me Alaric and  Dorian were immediately prepared to kill it
But hope got in the way telling us that we are not going to kill a freaking unicorn bro this morning hope was acting really weird like she was all happy giggy when she was talking with Landon but I was really focused on all that all the talent show that was supposed to be happening it got postponed me on the other hand I return to my room and continues to read up on Finn for a minute there I was starting to think this dude was right but then I realize he tried to kill hope which was very unnecessary but like at the same time everything else was low-key justified  not even much Low-key very justified so apparently he was very good at being a witch like very good at it actually pretty overpowered he was actually defeating a lot of people was close to Klaus well only with the ancestors help but still was able to fight Klaus he was even able to channel both his parents and when he finally fully came back to life in his original body he was doing good before he died again that was interesting the information that carried about him so I started to read the spell book a lot more practicing over and over and over again three different spells one was a fireball spell another a barrier spell that keeps monsters out very basic spell apparently in the same spell I use in order to blow the items away I'm trying to get it where I can at least throw a person or pull something towards me instead of throwing it this seems to more I've been using these spells to happier I've become I become so much better and apparently the more I usually spells the more the magic meter in the school goes up by a lot.

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