New Orleans

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If I told you that hope and Lizzie were trapped in a game dimension would you believe me because if you don't well then that's on you they were trapped in a game dimension but instead I sat down a while and talked to Josie and Josie looked at me and explained she found a book full of a lot of things from that hope girl at the school I lose her confused before she looked at me and said just dropped the ACT is there something you know tell me you been around her and my father for so long I will look at her sigh look  if you read the book then you know who she is what do you plan on doing she explained she's going to New Orleans to meet the mikaelson I told her she can't  go to New Orleans without me after all it's always been one of my dreams Plus in that way I at least get to observe the legendary mikaelsons well at least what remains of them in action me and Josie went to a bar in New Orleans obviously lying about her age me on the other hand I'm able to control the blood cells in my body to make me appear older took a while to do but it works it also makes me look younger if I so choose I was able to get in way easier because of that into eventually Freya spotted us when she looked at me she gave me a strange look or look of am I tweaking when she asked Josie how old is she pretending to be she didn't look at me and how old are you in a bar with a child suddenly I would have more for myself and appear to look my actual age it's a long story I'd say she look at us and say I hear you too been asking around the quarter for me we explain to her that we're trying to reverse engineer in ancient black magic Japanese Purge spell she explains to us that those are not spells school kid should be trying to learn and then she walked away Josie and I both told her to wait there are pictures in your home of a person you don't recognize and you feel like you should I told her that person is very important to you that person is one of the most important people in your family as the three of us are together discussing the spell and how did she come across it she explained simply she's typing it from an ancient sword trying to save her sister from an oin Freya ended up taking a call from her wife as Josie and I stood up and looked at the photos on the wall until we came across a photo of Freya and Hope together Freya ends up coming behind us and basically demanding that we explain who hope is and this dumb bitch Josie blasted Freya with the spell by the way we had no idea if this is going to work so for all I know she probably only make things worse but I know one thing I got some common sense and I took off running I I will stop Josie will look at me crazy and she stops and says what are you doing let's go I will look at her and say be quiet I know this place I'll be looking at a luxurious hotel apartment
She look at me and say okay but you said you never been to New Orleans but I feel like I've been here I began to walk towards it instinctively suddenly I can no longer stop myself I continue to walk forward completely ignoring everything Josie says and Josie looks at me to her only thing she sees is a rundown abandoned hotel but to me is an entire hotel Chelsea ends up walking forward and confusion and then she walks forward I would tell her all this stuff is this a dome is that walking into the center I'll see a portal she look at me and say can we please leave the abandoned hotel abandoned we don't see a lot of people but the power seems to be on this place seems to be incredible look around it's luxurious to look at me and say it's abandoned spider webs are everywhere I look at her like she's lost her freaking mind I'd ask is that spell messing with your head look around God damn it but of course she sees nothing I didn't feel like being bothered I would walk forward and walk into the this room I'm not even walking on my own I mean I'm talking on my own and looking around but moving it's pure instinct I come across a portal it looks like an I try stopping myself I try everything but I'm pulled into the portal Josie screams and then she screams that's the last thing I heard or for opening up my eyes floating in water immediately I begin to cough and Gasper air but as I continue to do so the harder it becomes for me to breathe suddenly I would black out and when I wake up a man has seen sitting on a throne you were drawn to this realm the second you enter New Orleans the place you were born it's natural for all of your kind you are in Atlantaean well part atlantean look all of your people are dead no idea how but I do know that's most important I'm the former King and since you're the last of your kind you have been chosen by me to inherit my throne and find what remains of our people you just said I'm the last you're the last no no I can't remember a majority of my people ever since a monster showed up that was the last thing I seen before I killed myself what was the king without his people wait a monster how did it look like a golem of some kind it seems to be immune to water it wasn't being slowly ripped apart or anything all of our text did nothing malavor if Malavor attacked here that means that the atlantean people are still  alive just trapped in all black hell dimension then inherit my power with this power you are granted many gifts immortality the only way you can die is by your own hands or having your heart ripped out enhanced strength which most of our people have but to a insane degree strength that rivals if not surpasses vampires enhanced speed  your enhanced speed won't be crazy on the surface but underwater is a completely different story your hydrazone or what you call it water magic powers will be increased thousands of times gaining new abilities every day no control what is a hydrazone I would ask basically you're able to control water within a certain zone we're able to feel things within the water within a certain zone an established special connections to bodies of water you inherit my weapons in armor no basic effects aside from the fact that they will always appear when you want them they will enhance all your basic capabilities and control and communication with all sea life formally the ability to control sea monsters but for some strange reason I can only see drawings of former Kings controlling them and yet I cannot control any creature because they don't exist but ever since that creature showed up and me forgetting the names the faces and the appearances of 99% of my people aside from you of course means that it must have been it that took away our sea monsters but now we fight immediately I'd look at him I don't even run for and you need to jump at the minute and go in for a kick to my surprise he blocked it with absolutely no difficulty he looked at me kind of disappointed I expected more out of you it's sad to say but you're not the boy I thought you were immediately he grabbed my leg and slam me on the ground I never felt such pain in my life I felt my back be shattered you look at me and say I expected more of the all powerful would you call yourself hydromancer get up boy  I will get up fight me and win by any means necessary only thing will I know if you're truly before he continue to speak I shot a water dagger dead at his neck to my surprise it stopped mid-air as he caught the dagger and they really threw it right back at me instantly I would duck run for and immediately form a water hammer it's like instantly slamming into his side the man still looks unfazed I am a king boy quit holding back or else I will kill you and absorber remains of your hydrozone power and clearly you're not good enough I will jump upwards form water wings he look at me and say you are literally fighting inside of a bubble full of water wait what I say in confusion I'm not underneath water yes you are but there's no water inside of here yes it is prove it prove it you say are you sure you want me to do that prove it I would demand as right before my eyes I begin to see water begin to swarm and she would lift up his hand and form a water drill a gigantic one about the size of a tank he throws it directly at me and when I say I screamed and begin to run as the water dagger began to chase me he would explain they're just only one think I need to do catch it and throw it back at him if I do not eventually it will catch me and I will die me not wanting to die but also not wanting to kill a person would say you have lost your God damn mind instantly I would jump upwards dodging it once more before he proceeds to say if you do not inherit my power then everyone you know and love will die I would say no hope mikaelson is a literal poison to malivore she is the loophole the one person who is able to defeat that creature and what about you do you have any idea who your father is or have you just not learned a thing or who your mother is I'm an orphan of course not that you're a lot more of a fool than I thought if you're able to deflect the drill I'll tell you everything about your parents at least everything about your father that I know of but your mother I can tell you everything about her I'll immediately turn as he says that then you're going to have to tell me immediately I would use all of my force all of my power the drill will stop as a barrier of what it would form it between me my water begins to be added on to the drill I'll let off the screen I will turn around as I throw the drill but it blocked by his hand I'm sorry did I not tell you how to win the struggle no you didn't well you have to win the struggle how to push back with all my might all my strength every last ounce of magical power I have you know I would kill you but I don't want to do that cuz then it will be no fair for pretty much everyone throw the damn drill I'm immortal you can't kill me unless I rip out your heart and this drill is bigger than both our bodies and destroy your entire body including your heart only if you rip out my heart that will rip your heart to pieces you idiot oh I didn't think about that it doesn't matter win it and I promised you would want to kill me unless you want to be left in the dark for many more years about your family immediately I let off a street of pure pain and power and immediately unleash the drill towards him suddenly the drill would explode see that's all you needed to do now sit down I'll explain everything fade to Black I'll look back up and I see Josie still standing there how long was I gone literally a second you mean to tell me all that time barely anytime past and what happened to the why does this look like an abandoned hotel now because it is she will say let's go back you want to go back I mean I kind of do too I would think fine we can go back now we end up going back we went back she ended up stopping by the phone in order to talk to her mom she talked to Freya as long as she could until eventually I walk forward I told her when the time is right I'll tell you a lot but right now I just need you to know that my name is Hendrick and you have any type of concerns on how hope it's doing call me and I'll hand over the headmaster's number she look at me and say I already have to headmasters number I'd say but I'm going to be closer to hope it almost all times because we're out on missions otherwise protecting the people and other things charity events so on and so forth how old are you she acts im 15  hopes 18 she'd say you too not nah we're not trust me we're not but can you teach me a few spells before I leave but she end up teaching me some very basic defensive spells but at the end of the day I was very appreciated because I got to spend some type of time with my aunt for the first time when we return to the school Josie had some annoying aggravating talk with Lizzy but at this point honestly I'm really starting to like Lizzy like love Lizzy matter of fact at this point I'd love to get with Lizzy if it wasn't for that random ass vampire I just spawned in out of nowhere God he pisses me off so bad and then there's mg and Caleb honestly fuck both of them they killed Landon ones well mg did but as long as he stays by him then both of them are my enemies Landon May have forgave them I didn't but anyways everyone's memories have been restored about damn time and Landon has finally broken up with Josie now I'm going to try to get with the other sister that's 3 years older than me  crazy I know but I'm immortal so that's pretty much a loophole

 the original aqupire son of finn mikaelson Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora