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I felt alone in the middle of the bustling streets of Brooklyn, sure- the crowds of people stamped through the narrow streets and the cars zipped by, but I was completely alone. 

I realized that as soon as I saw it. 

A large beast stood on the road opposite me; it was an amalgamation of human and bull, horrific and deadly- and in Fruit of the Loom, tightie whities. His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns-enormous black-and-white horns with points you just couldn't get from an electric sharpener. I grabbed at the strangers near me, asking if they saw it too, but I was shooed off with dirty looks. It was hopeless, and the -thing grew restless. 

The lights flicked from 'stop' to 'walk', and I bolted down the avenue, but so did the beast. It mirrored my every move, its steps thundering as it plowed crossed the street weaving through the cars. I kept running, my heart exploding with the adrenaline rush that flooded through me. I turned down an alley and hid from it. 

Looking out from behind a dumpster, I saw the massive bullhead peer into the alley. It growled in frustration bearing its teeth. I waited quietly, holding myself like I was trying to keep my body from just melting

I felt something- some things, crawling across my leg and back. 


Rats were crawling from under the dumpster.

I held my breath as they crawled up my arms and into my clothes. I was trying to ignore it, but tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Don't worry- the rats licked it up! I was doing okay until I felt the first small pinch on the back of my arm, 

they were biting me

I screeched and threw the wriggling demons off of me. They scurried back under the dumpster as quickly as they came out. Now I was in even deeper shit as I heard a low rumble from behind me. Two giant firey eyes looked back at me. I darted further down the alley as the monster thrashed down the thin alley. I almost made it out and back into the street when, of course, I slipped and plummeted. Instead of landing on my face, though, I fell right through the concrete, 

what. the. fuck.

Lightning Child - Percy JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon