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I am running. It is like I will never stop running. My legs are sore, but adrenalin is pumping through my veins so much that it feels like I am flying, although I know that soon he will find me and pump death into me. I will fall lifeless to the floor, and he will smirk up at my dead body, like he knew all along.

Funny enough, this is the thoughts that keep me running. I will not let that asshole have control over me, even if I am the brink of dying. I will never let him smile at my demise, ever.

I reach outside and run into the maze in the gardens, my father had insisted I plant in front of my apartment.

Yes I have an apartment. Sue me.

Unfortunately for me, as I darted into the gardens, he barged out of my home and saw me, following me in.

My footsteps seemed to be too louder than before. My shoes hitting the dead leaves and broken branches, making crunching sounds. For some reason though, his footsteps were much quieter than mine. I could only here his rugged breath as he chased after me, the very sound making me blush as well as causing panic in my heart.

What was so appalling about this boy that made me blush with just the sound of his breathing. He was trying to kill me for goodness' sake.

We continued to do this around each other, like hide and seek, except the hider would probably die.

You guessed it. It was me.

I finally reached the end of the maze, which led to an open space of green carpet grass, then the fence. Being that noticeable probably wasn't good for me, but did I really have a choice. If he found me...

Suddenly I heard it. His breath, suddenly so loud in the air, like he was just behind me.

No, No, No, No, No, NO, NO!!!

I ran, but not into the field, but back into the maze.

I know, stupid move, but if I had gone into the field, he would have killed me anyway. Lucky for me, I didn't meet him as I turned around. Instead, he was on the other side of the grass wall I was. My breathing was so heavy, I tried to mask it with his so he didn't notice.

It didn't work.

'How do you run so fast?' he asked, his breathing heavy.

I didn't answer. I had to be prepared to run if I had to. I tried to step back, but, annoyingly, I stepped on a very big, very dry branch. As you expect, it made the loudest cracking noise ever, like chewing on a bone.



Alarms were blaring in my mind and my stomach felt queasy. What happened when he ran here when he shot a bullet through my head, when he tore me apart, when he...

That's when I heard it. His laughter.

Wait a minute. Is this dude laughing at me? I'm trying to fucking escape!

'What was that!' he continues to laugh.

I didn't know what was wrong with his guy, but I was not sticking around to find out.

I dashed out of the building, hoping that he was too tired to follow. Luckily he doesn't follow, and I start sprinting again to the apartment, thinking that there were a lot more to hide under in there.

As I walk through the front the door, I see blue sirens in the air, grunting and panting. Then someone knocks me over and I fall unconscious.

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