12. hurtful words

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Jeonghan's eyes fluttered open, the room getting the shade of the colors of the sunset. With a loud groan, he struggled to sit up but he did eventually.

He has been sleeping on top of Joshua and Seungcheol this whole time. His head on Joshua's chest and legs on Seungcheol's stomach. This is the worst position he's ever slept in.

"Ah, why didn't they put me in a better position?" He complained, rubbing the back of his neck that feels like it's broken.

After a few minutes of trying to ease the pain, he pushed himself up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of mineral water.

Gulping down the whole bottle in one go, he threw the now empty bottle, aiming towards the trashcan but it unfortunately fell right beside it. "Everything is so annoying" He picked the bottle up and threw it in the trashcan by himself.

"What do I do? They're both asleep" He asked himself, staring at the two boys who are also sleeping in a messed up position.

Heaving a sigh, he picked up his phone from the table and took a seat in between the two boys and started playing with it since he has nothing better to do.

'10+ missed calls from Mingoo'
'20+ unread messages from Mingoo' It displayed on top of his lockscreen.

The first few messages were him panicking over Seungcheol not being home and the last few were him letting him know that he has talked to Seungcheol and he knows everything.

He could've at least told Gyu before coming, Jeonghan thought.

After a few minutes of just staring at Mingyu's messages, he finally exited the app in order to find something else on his phone that's interesting but he just didn't find anything interesting.

And as if he had no control over himself, he found himself in his phone's gallery, looking at his old pictures with her.

He recently found the memory card he used on his old phone that had all their photos stored, thanks to that, he finally got their old photos back.

Jeonghan stared at a picture that was taken on their last date before he left. Jiyeon's smile clearly showed how happy she was despite the pain of having to live so far away from him, deep inside her heart.

Unknowingly he found himself caressing his fingers over the screen where it displayed her face. His heart ached as he remembered her teary eyes just seconds after this photo was taken.

"If someone saw you doing that in public, they would think you're crazy, especially if they knew she's your ex girlfriend" The sudden voice startled Jeonghan, making him instantly turn off his phone.

"She's not my ex girlfriend" Jeonghan fired, getting annoyed hearing Seungcheol call her his ex girlfriend over and over again despite him making it clear that she's not.

"Okay, okay, chill. Your girlfriend who you haven't talked to in six years" - "Why are you being like this? Is it because you're in love with her so you can't accept that we never broke up which makes us still a couple?!"

Seungcheol's intention in saying that was purely to tease the younger, he had no intention to hurt him but looks like Jeonghan took it in a different way.

But it also made Seungcheol angry hearing him say that he's in love with Jiyeon when Jeonghan knows very well Seungcheol never had any romantic feelings for her. They've always been close friends, even before the two started dating.

"I don't get why you keep calling me her boyfriend and saying that I'm in love with her. What the fuck did I do to you that makes you think that way?" Seungcheol, not being able to hold back anymore, raised his voice.

"Just because I coincidentally met her and I decided to be there by her side instead of just walking away like you did after seeing her at such a miserable state, doesn't mean I'm in love with her, Jeonghan"

Joshua's not so deep sleep broke as the sound of Seungcheol's loud voice reached his ear. Opening his eyes, he saw the older ones sitting on the sofa, facing each other. He couldn't see Jeonghan's face but he could clearly see Seungcheol's angry one... and it scared him.

"I didn't leave her there because I wanted to, I left because I couldn't bare to see her in that state!" Jeonghan finally raised his voice, something he's never done when it comes to Seungcheol.

"Well if you couldn't bear it, you should've gone to her and comforted her instead of walking away, that would've been much better, she wouldn't have needed to cry in my arms for hours over a jerk who can't even man up a little bit and talk to her despite seeing her in such a state!"

Jeonghan's eyes threatened to show the tears that he didn't know he was holding in this whole time until Seungcheol said that.

He doesn't know what exactly made him feel this way. The fact that Seungcheol is shouting at him? The fact that what Seungcheol said might be true in a way? Or the fact that it's Seungcheol who's saying such a thing despite knowing everything he's been through and being the only person Jeonghan has been able to open up the most to?

"Well I'm sorry that my parents didn't like her and beat the shit out of me whenever I tried to contact her that makes me still scared that they'll come between us again and possibly lock me up in a basement with no food or water"

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒. yoon jeonghan ✓Where stories live. Discover now