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Cupid, if you exist. Fuck you, respectfuly.

Katsuki had come to the conclusion that Cupid or any of the gods hated his fucking guts.

Well, that had been established the day izuku Midoriya, that bitchy snake came into his life and decided to make katsukis life a living hell but this situation had cleared out any doubts and had accepted the fact that some natural being wanted to make his shitty life even more shitty.
That was the only explanation to this.

A medium sized room, four lines of chairs, each line having 5. The titles being black and cream, a tinge smell of paint, the white board almost 4 feet long attached to the front wall of the class. Four windows on the right, open. Soft wind coming through, birds chirping outside, the clouds fluffly and the sound of leaves being the only thing heard. The room being a comfortable temperature and the silence being nice and comfortable as well.
Despite this, katsuki felt anything but comfortable.
It was like someone wrapped something horrible in a nice, soft wrapper so that people don't get suspicious but katsuki knew otherwise.

The silent room was now filled with two pair of feet echoing louder with each step and katsukis heart dropped to his stomach and then to his feet. The wind that was soothing a second ago, suddenly feeling cool and the birds soft chirping becoming too annoying and katsukis blood ran cold.

he's over exaggerating, isn't he?

His eyes went towards the two bodies that entered the room. One being the teacher, the other being the entire reason he wanted to die. Shoto todoroki, that hot freak who  katsuki "accidentally" fell for
asshole. fuck him for being katsukis type.

fuck cupid.

fuck everyone.

The room was now filled with three bodies.
katsuki bakugo, the angry blonde.
shoto totaloki, the school's Heartthrob who is loved by everyone (katsuki included) and a bitch who called herself a teacher.
said teacher opened her mouth, causing his blood to boil.

“now I want you to behave. especially you, katsuki. You hear me? ”

Katsuki scowled at the teacher's words, ears twitching, blood boiling his pheromones becoming sour but be quickly nodded his head, his entire body showing off attitude that the teacher glared at. Katsuki was used to that glare but what got his knees weak was he could have sworn he heard shoto  growl under his breath but he quickly ignored it, letting the teacher continue.

“Shoto, I know you didn't mean what you did and I hope you forgive me, my boy but I really can't do anything anymore”

“It's all right miss. But respectfully, don't point out one student. It's disrespectful and I, one hundred percent, meant what I did. Don't put down one student just for the other. ”

katsuki almost purred at his soft yet rough voice his tail almost releasing his waist to Swish in delight. shoto doesn't know this and he doesn't need to know, but, shoto indirectly defending katsukis made him hot all around his bod, heat pooling, heart pounding.

Maybe this wasn't that bad but he still believed someone hated him.
After some stupid blabbing from the teacher, she left and the supervisor came who would keep an eye on shoto and katsuki but katsuki knew that these teachers don't do shit. He's had too many experiences with them. All they do is just sit down, scroll through their phones or sleep.

detention is stupid but frightening if you're with your crush.

After katsuki sat back down, shoto sitting right next to him, the teacher did exactly what katsuki  had expected.
She put her legs up, put her pods on full volume, closed her eyes and dosed off after muttering an occasional "stay quiet. or don't. I don't care" before going completely still.

Why couldn't katsuki get good teachers?

Katsuki took a deep breath and put his head on the desk,. His eyes dropped and he inhaled again,  pheromones of his teachers and the scent that drove him insane which belong to shoto. Obviously. He's not drooling over that lazy bitch.
katsuki looked down between the gap between his elbows and table, taking his hand away from his pockets and looked at  his bloody palm.

His nails had dug into his palms, ripping off the skin underneath the fingertips. It stopped bleeding but there was dried blood blotches still there. His palms stinging. He naturally had long nails and delicate hands due to him being half cat.
His ears twitched as he heard the scraping off the chairs. He sligghtly looked up, his red eyes finding shotos who was gently getting up and walking towards him.
Katsukis eyes widdend and he quickly put his hands into his pockets and got up, pickinh his head fully and looked directly at his crush walking towards him.
He was all of a sudden right in front of him and katsuki had to look up, his neck hurting as he tried to maintain.eye contact.
Fuck him for being so tall.

“Show me your hands”

Okay, what the fuck.

Katsuki sputtered and looked at shoto as if he had three horns on his head.
His  mind running. He subconsciously fisted his hands again, causing his nails to scrape agasint the same spots that he had hurt.
He winced and bit his lip to try to keep it in.
In the speed of light, shoto was on his knees, looking up at katsuki the blonde boy could feel heat crawling up into his neck and face, a deep blush settling as he scanned his crush on his knees.

The pheromone and smell of shotos expensive cologne was making his knees weak for fucks sake.

“Bakugo, show me your hands please”

okay, shoto is way too close.

He heard shoto sigh and continued looking into katsuki's eyes as if he was almost begging.

God, he would die for this man.

“Bakugo please? ”

Katsuki almost fainted, his brain short circuited, his hands flying out of his pockets and onto the shotos open palm.

To say katsuki was shy was an understatement.
He wanted to kick and scream, die, reborn and die again.

His delicate hands looked so small in shotos unnecessarily big hands, the warmth of them giving him ease.
shoto flipped katsuki hand and he was right. He knew the blood he smelt in class was his.
Shoto felt a pang of anger, his
Pheromones turning heavy as he inspected katsuki's delicate yet rough hands, inspecting the wounds that had started bleeding again.
He had expected katsuki to put up a fight but he was happy.
Both of their heart beats were going crazy  and both of them told themselves to relax.

‘It was just a crush’

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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