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📍Lyns Pov📍

📍Two weeks later📍

I came home from the hospital two weeks ago.

And let's say i haven't been doing too well.

I have suicidal thoughts even though i have people around me who claim that they love me.

I am staying at rias house again and i feel like such a burden to her.

I'm going back overseas today because i don't think Jamaica is the right place for me.

In the span of three months i have been hurt more times than i can recall.

Zayden stopped contacting me so i guess he is not interested anymore.

If i was him i wouldn't be interested anymore i mean look at me i look like a mess.

I packed my suitcases and made my way outside to the car.

Ria was the one driving s i got in the back because i didn't want to drive in the front.

After some time, we arrived at the airport.

I said my goodbyes and then boarded the plane.

After flying for some time, the plane landed.

I got off and headed home.

When i entered my home i began to cry and scream.

I started to throw stuff and flip the furniture all while crying.'

Why do i have to go through this why me.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't live like this anymore.

Why couldn't i die in the accident.

Why couldn't i die with my father.

It's too much, i feel suffocated.

I feel like I'm being kept under water with nowhere to escape to.

I think that its time i end my misery.

Don't you??

There is a beach not too far away from here.

And there is a cliff.

I took a book and a pencil and made my way to the beach.

I wrote down my thoughts and my feelings.

I wrote a page each for one of my friends.

I put a rock on the book so that couldn't blow away in the wind.

I stood up and i felt a tear escape my eye.

Time to end my misery, i guess.

I jumped off the cliff and into the water.

I felt my lungs being filled with water but i didn't care.

I'm finally at peace.



So, I've reached the end of the story.

RIP Lyn🕊

This i how Lyn was supposed to die, not everyone can handle being hurt, everyone has their different coping methods, and she chose this one.

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