The Ghost of Srecko Brodar

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The five members of the Ljubljana branch of Paranormal House gathered in their office, waiting for their leader, Pastor Martin, to brief them on their next assignment. They were a diverse group of religious leaders who shared a common interest in the paranormal and supernatural phenomena of Slovenia. They had investigated many cases, from haunted castles to mythical creatures, and had gained a reputation as experts in their field.

"Thank you all for coming," Pastor Martin said, as he opened his laptop and projected a picture of a man on the wall. "This is Srecko Brodar, a famous Slovenian poet and painter who lived in the 20th century. He was known for his visionary and mystical works, inspired by his dreams and visions. He died in 1949, under mysterious circumstances, in his home in the village of Podkoren, near the border with Italy."

The team looked at the picture with curiosity and interest. They recognized the name and some of his works, but they did not know much about his life or death.

"Why are we interested in him?" Imam Ali asked.

"Because we have received a request from his granddaughter, Nina Brodar, who lives in the same house where he died. She claims that she has been experiencing strange and disturbing phenomena in her home, such as noises, voices, cold spots, and objects moving by themselves. She believes that the ghost of her grandfather is haunting her, and she wants us to help her communicate with him and find out what he wants."

"What does she think he wants?" Sister Veronika asked.

"She doesn't know. She says that he was a very secretive and eccentric man, who rarely spoke to anyone, even his own family. He spent most of his time in his studio, painting and writing, and sometimes he would disappear for days, without telling anyone where he was going or what he was doing. He was obsessed with the occult and the esoteric, and he had a vast collection of books, artifacts, and symbols related to various religions and traditions. He was especially fascinated by the ancient Slavic paganism and the legends of Slovenia, such as Zlatorog, the Ljubljana dragon, and King Matjaž."

The team nodded, as they were familiar with those legends. They had encountered some of them in their previous investigations, and they had learned a lot about the rich and diverse folklore and history of Slovenia.

"So, what do we do?" Father Marko asked.

"We go to Podkoren and meet Nina Brodar. We inspect the house and the studio, and we try to establish contact with the ghost of Srecko Brodar. We use our skills and tools, and we respect his beliefs and wishes. We try to find out why he is haunting his granddaughter, and what he wants from us. And we try to help him find peace, if possible."

The team agreed, and they packed their bags and equipment. They got into their van, and they drove to Podkoren, hoping to solve the mystery of the ghost of Srecko Brodar.

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