𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩 | B.N

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My parents had kept me really sheltered, so when I joined a middle school it was a big awakening. I was new to everything and had to learn how people acted. People are so complicated.

Especially, when you got a boyfriend in highschool. That was a huge awakening to me. Don't get me wrong, he's amazing. He did everything with me and showed me lots of new tricks and how things are done. He included me in everything and he always makes time for me. I couldn't ask for anyone else. We've been together since sophmore and we're seniors this year!

Brady spoke spanish.

(for the plot 😣)

And he would sometimes speak spanish when he's with his friends. especially this dude since they're like best friends.

"Hey, y/n," brady greeted wrapping his arm around me. I was getting more used to being in this relationship thing and he understood if i was confused for some parts. I mean he is my first boyfriend.

"Hi brady, why aren't you in class," i asked. "Can't i see my beautiful girlfriend," he raised his eyebrow as a joke. I laughed with him. "Of course you can, but you're gonna be late," i told him. "I'll be late for you, it's okay, i'll come up with an excuse," he said. I shrugged, "don't be surprised when you get in trouble."

We got to my class. "Well, i'll talk to you after class, see you," he said kissing me on the cheek.


He did not in fact see me after class, but it's okay cause he probably got caught up with something. I mean i could never be mad at him.

I was making my way out the cafeteria since me and Brady don't have the same lunch periods.

I walked down the main hallway to my 5th period class and i see him talking with his best friend. He noticed me walking down the hall and he waved me over. I smiled and walked to him.

"Hi Trey and Brady," i said. "I haven't seen you in forever! Sorry, if i didn't come after class.. the stupid teacher gave me a lecture," he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you should've seen his face when he made that excuse," trey laughed. "What excuse did he use," i asked curiously.

"He told him that his pet bird flew out this morning and made him late," trey laughed out. I looked over to brady and gave him a weird look. "I told you to just go to class," i slapped his arm playfully. He laughed, "it was worth it!"

"Oh back to that conversation, ¿tienes el anillo de promesa?," my boyfriend said to trey. Trey eyebrows rose up. "si, si, todaviano no entiendo por qué no pudiste conesguirlo tú mismo," he said.

(Brady - "Do you have the promise ring?"
Trey - "yes yes i still don't understand why you couldn't get it yourself")

Brady had given him an 'are you for real' look. "porque ella esta conmigo todo el tiempo," he said in an obvious tone.

(brady - "because she is with me all the time")

"¿y eso no te molesta?," he asked. "no, we mi costa favorita," he smiled.

(trey - "and that doesn't bother you?"
brady- no, it's my favorite thing")

I was completely oblivious to what was being said and such, so i just stood there watching the exchange and watching their facial expressions.

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guys i don't actually know spanish 😄

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