You took away

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you took him away from me without even telling me that would be the last time I would see my baby and I did not even see that coming and when you took him from this world I was the one that had to tell my family and friends so they did not ask me about it or things like it.

because I was just not ready to lose him and for some reason, you wanted to put me in more pain, and from the the last time you hurt and the fact that I am almost got over it the last time that I was hurt really bad and now I am just getting more and more so you be happy with the fact that someone is not happy with their life and you think it is ok to take something from someone and not think that it will hurt them that bad.

But you hurt me the most and now you try and hurt me more because I didn't give you what you wanted and what you wanted out of me. Hence, you just decided that it would be more fun hurting someone who did nothing to you. You want me to just leave you alone when you don't leave me alone to the point that I had to leave you behind me and move on with my life just so I can get better and be a somewhat working person that my family can be proud of and make my mum happy and my dad happy too and so they would not have to work as much as I do. So we can have a family holiday again as one big family with all the cousins and aunts and uncles and have so much fun together.

But most of all you think that you got to me but little did you know that I was already gone because of the much off pain that you put me through and now I am just going through the emotions and things in life until it is my time to go and when it is my time go I will not look back at the pain that you put me thought but the life that I had I the good thing that I did with my life and what made me happy in life.

the end 

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