chapter 18

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Eternal love?

Those words have been echoing in my head ever since she dropped me home. And I can't stop thinking about kissing her again, or even being with her in the same fucking room.

I want to see her, I want to wake up with her. Because she is more than just a fling.

I also want to commit a felony. I want to fucking kill that bastard Aryan and his so-called soon-to-be wife. And wanting everything I want with Maya has been scary ever since I found out the truth about Aryan. I want to give her a chance but at the same time, I cannot.

I need her. But needing that need is scary if I'm going to be completely transparent, but she's everything I need.

The way she traced her hands on my stomach thinking I was asleep, yes I wasn't asleep, I was wide awake, just admiring her.

I need to go to work, I cannot skip it. I stood up from my couch and walked over to my room to get ready.

 * * *

I sat in my literally very ugly cabin. I mean for a fucking construction company, it should be a little decorated right? Or am I just asking for too much?

I wondered about ways to talk to her and see her, I mean she did come in today.

I went over to her cabin, mind you, without a ready excuse and knocked on the door.

"Come in," she yelled, with a stern voice

As soon as I walked in a smile and a noticeable blush took over her face.

"Well hello" I smirked

"If you're here to annoy me don't," she said

"Well okay then, that was exactly what I was here for" I lied and turned away from her

"Bye" she squeaked

Well, that really was something, from someone who couldn't keep their paws off you just a couple of hours ago. Unable to ignore her anymore I turned to her. "You know, it's remarkable how effortlessly you just kicked me out of your cabin." i said playfully, 

Maya looked up from her screen, her big brown eyes meeting mine with a warmth apart from how she responded a few moments ago.

"I'm sorry it's just that my mom, she's annoying me a lot lately and she's forcing me to see her like today but I've postponed it to next week and I really do not want to see her, I just saw her and i- just forget it" she trailed off, but why did she not wanna see her mom?

"Why do you not wanna see your mom?" I asked

"I- that's a story for another day," she said, getting up from her seat and wrapping her arms around me, and burying her face in my chest. I belong to her, she can hug me all she wants when she wants, for however long she wants. I felt complete and before I knew it, a smile played on my lips, and I felt a surge of affection. It's crazy what this tiny 5"6 woman can do to me.

"I love hugging you Rey" There we go with the nickname, "You're just so, soft and huggable, like a teddy bear you know?" she said

"Excuse me, woman? I'm not a teddy bear, I'm strong and I have muscles so I'm not so fucking soft either"

"Yeah, your abs how can I forget that" she said while she pulled apart and brought her hands from my waist to my stomach letting her fingers go free.

She suddenly stopped and started tickling me like a wild animal, I pushed away and gasped for breath while she completely lost it and laughed like a maniac.

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