Chapter 1

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"Sahaphap how was it? Do you already know what to write at the chapter five?"Janhae as to his Busy friend.

Sahaphap Wongrach and Janhae are Both Famous novel writer, they already published a lot of novels that got famous and become really successful to the point that it got adapted into a movie.

"I don't know what to add, hayyy my brain is already dry and my head is hurting" Sahaphap said whole biting the cap of his pen

"what the..... That's disgusting.. So that's why thats wet when I use that yesterday! "Janhae said with annoyance in her voice.

"Hahaha sorry I'm just stressed"Sahaphap said and pout

"Tsk it's your fault for promising to your readers that you will finish that story within this year..... Let me take a look" Janhae said and snatch the notes that Sahaphap is writing.

"It's.... Because ...wait why are you in such a bad mood? Do you have a period right now?"Sahaphap tease her and tickle her in her waist but Janhae didn't laugh at all and look at him like she will twist his neck.

"you're so bad!"he said and pout.

"Wow you're so great my friend... You've been thinking what to write since yesterday and this is all the things you right.... Just it?does your brain cells really got dried hahahaha what's this? The rain is heavy and the sky is dark the Light is striking and the Thunder was so loud.."Janhae jokingly read what Sahaphap wrote on the notes.

"ehhh that's because ummm!"He said pouting

"Wait what time is it?"Janhae asked Sahaphap and look at her wrist watch.

"Oh no we're going to be late there might be a lot of people who are waiting for us there!"Janhae said and Sahaphap immediately Put his pen on his bag and change his clothes.

"Oh no Sahaphap we're going to be late walk faster" Janhae said and they both go down and went to the elevator.

"Oh no its so annoying u forgot my jacket! Wait Janhae I'll just get my jacket you go to parking lot first I'll follow you."Sahaphap said and go back immediately to their unit to get his jacket but he suddenly stopped when he saw the Ballpen that he's using earlier.

"wait I remember putting that in my bag that's weird....Am I that Forgetful? "He asked himself and take the Ballpen and put it in his bag and immediately go to the parking lot where Janhae was waiting for him.

"Janhae why aren't you going inside the car? Where going to be late"He said to Janhae who's looking at the up at the sky that are starting to go dark.

"Should we go? I think it looks like it's going to rain heavily?"Janhae asked him

"Let's go they're all waiting for us, if you're feeling lazy then I'll drive"Sahaphap said and went inside the car while Janhae went into passenger seat.

"Wow I'm your driver now"He Sarcastically said.

"tsk just move now and drive so we can immediately arrive at the event "Janahae said and Sahaphap follow her and start the cars engine and while driving it started to have loud thunder with a heavy rain.

"Oh no its raining heavily it it's going to flood later" Janhae said Worriedly

"Oh no we're stuck at the traffic "Sahaphap said

"Haa--"Janhae stopped what she was about to Say when it started to have loud thunder and the lightning strike at the sky.

"It's scary the thunder was really loud"Sahaphap said pinching his chin, he does that when he's scared.

"hmmm I think we should just stay at house" Janhae said Worriedly because the weather doesn't look good at all.

"Tsk think about all the people that are waiting for us in the event.
... "Sahaphap said to Janhae

"Okay Okay"Janhae give up and just agree, They only held book signing even like once or twice a year because they're so busy that's why she already agree... A moment later they're already near the tunnel where its quite dark and it got more dark because of the bad weather Sahaphap Carefully drive the car but Their eyes widen when they saw a truck going to their direction Sahaphap immediately turn the stirring wheel and they hit into a huge Rock.

"S-Sahaphap?! Are you okay?!"Janhae worriedly asked and when sahaphap didn't answer, Janahae took her phone and open the flash light and her eyes widen when she saw him covered with blood.

"Sahaphap?!! Help!!Help us please!!Sahaphap wake up.... Wake up please!"Janhae said crying and later on the ambulance came and take them to the hospital.

This Story is just from my imagination.... And English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are some wrong grammar^v^
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