Diary Entry #3

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November 18th, 2020-

Everyone got so unbearable all of a sudden. I can't focus, and I can't breathe without feeling angry. I think this might have something to do with Luke rejecting me. He's perfect for me, I'm perfect for him, we could be PERFECT! If only Zander wasn't in the way. I'd be an amazing and loving girlfriend for Luke and we'd be together forever. Just writing his name makes me blush...
Omg, I love him so much! My friend told me it seems like an obsession now, but whatever! He's too perfect. I know everything about him, his birthday, full name, siblings, parents, favourite food, favourite color, everything! He's the best person on this earth. I love him more then my little sister, Emily! And me and Emily are really close. Really. Close. She also warned me that me loving Luke this much may be an obsession, but I ignored her. What does she know about love, anyways? She's only in grade 9. And I think this is completely healthy and normal! So screw you, Daisy (My friend who said it was an obsession), and screw you, Emily! I'm free to love Luke, and he WILL BE MINE! I'll just ignore anybody who says me and Luke aren't meant to be, especially Zander!

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