Page 1-Drunk Void

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You were home, chilling and watching TV tills you heard your front door open. Void came home from his concert. You quickly ran over to greet him, but saw how drunk he was.

"Woah! Void, what happened?" You asked while supporting Void to stand up straight, but only caused him to slump into your arms.

"Mmm... Y/N... you're really pretty..." Void mumbled before chuckling. He was stinking of alcohol, and it was overwhelming. His accretions were just standing outside, letting you take care of this.

"Uh... okay, thanks..." You replied, a bit flustered. But you knew that he probably didn't mean it since he was clearly in a drunk state.

You quickly, but carefully lead the drunk Void to the bathroom so he can take a bath and stop stinking alcohol. You two enter the marble bricked bathroom and put Void in the bathtub.

"Wait, you need to take your clothes off..." you mumbled to yourself before shaking your head and standing up straight.

"Alright, Void. You're gonna take your clothes off and take a bath, okay?"

"Okay, okay pretty person..."

You just rolled your eyes and went outside of the bathroom. You didn't close it completely, just in case if Void needed help with anything. Not taking his clothes off though. Y'all aren't that close in this one shot.
Aw but why not?
We're not talking about this right now, keep on acting like Y/N.
After half an hour, you see Void finally coming out of the bathroom. Don't worry, he has clothes on. Just a plain white t-shirt and shorts.

He stumbles over to you and slumps into your arms again, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Mehmem... muhmmmm..." he kept mumbling inaudible stuff, but sometimes you could hear how he mumbled sweet nothings into your ear. He was clearly very much drunk, but it was a bit better now that he isn't that arrogant dick.

"Tch... you're so different when you're drunk, Void." You chuckled before carrying Void to his bed, putting him down and covering his short figure with the blanket. When you were going to say goodnight, you realized he was already out cold.

"Huh... well, good night then, Void..." You whispered before chuckling quietly, giving him a small peck on the cheek before exiting the room and turning the lights off. But before you left, you could hear a small mumble coming from Void.

"I love you..."
Hi hi :3 author here~ yes, I'm making void x reader one shots because I'm too tired to actually write the void x reader story I'm writing on- and also too tired to write in the book I'm writing on- but if you have any suggestions just write them in the comments and I might write them in here 🤭 anyways, Buh byeee

Btw word count: 475

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