Chapter: 2

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Patrick's POV
I was woken up by the gate sound, the guard pushed it hard this time, it made noises than ever. Aaggh! He made me to wake up, the dream was sweet, I almost had that pussy red and hot,she couldn't help her self. I said to myself, tired exhausted and annoyed I really liked wet dreams they brought fun to me. That's all about them, looking at my watch, it was time for my bath, I really liked to get showered by my cleaner, she brushed me well with warm water, Haaa! It's so nice, but one thing that sucks is that she's never into me she is always so innocent and not naughty, she is hot but innocent,she wouldn't dare for us to get to know one another, I was from my shower, with my white towel covering my men hood, I was late for work but that meeting yesterday really teared my activeness. I'm less of my self now, I grabbed my pajamas, I really liked them since they showed nudity,and that's all what I could think of, but that's who I am Patrick Farsy, I went downstairs just to find the chef looking extra beautiful. Shit she's looking at me, what should I say, should I talk, nah! That's dumb. She's smiling, dad's looking at me. "Morning Patrick" she said to me, her voice was music to my ears I could even listen to her voicemails over and over again. My dad interrupted us, and sent her away.

Jade's POV
"But, I like it here, my parents won't notice my absence, I promise not to tell" I said calmly to my babe, he looked ripped this time. He came all over me, wanting the best of me, 'IT'S DARK OUTSIDE YOU'RE ALWAYS THE LIGHT, THIS HEART OF MINE...", Again something interrupted my dream, but this time was someone calling me, unknown number. The moment I replied, I knew it wasn't that good, "Hey, Jade how's it going, you've been quite for a long time, I miss your presence".
Damn, Ethan won't let me go, I'm done with him but he's still behind my tail. I said to myself, and yeah I once had a boyfriend actually just a close friend who was with me in many situations and we lived like brother and sister,but our friendship brought us to feelings of love and there's this time we almost kissed. But I think it wasn't worth it,since we moved, we lost the affection, connection and togetherness.

I was speechless, I had nothing in mind to answer, "Helow, Jade,Jade,who ever replied, please tell Jade that I'll be in town soon, and incase she asks who, tell her it's Ethan". He ended his call just like that, I felt disgusted, with his deep voice. Whatever,what matters he can't reach to my location for now.
I looked at my watch, I was an hour late from work, I ran in the bathroom splashed myself quickly with water, after wearing, I went downstairs just to grab a donut that was on the table. I passed by Patrick who was playing videogames all day long nothing creative that he had to do. "Bye sis" he shouted.

I had no bodyguard, I had to deny just because of my work, I'm a spy under this organization that goes against drug dealers and buyers and all the connection about human trafficking issues. Shortly I'm working with the people who are against my dad, yeah and I know none of it will end good.

Currently in my car, my thoughts ran up and down, in my mind over and over, I had this feeling as if I wasn't a child of that family, I guess it's a fallacy that I have with me.

Yesterday in the meeting my collides were there but wore a different outfits, one of them like a maid, the other like a plumber and the last as the server. Honestly speaking from observation there was no problem with the pipes and the water system, but eeh! that's non of my business. But I,the daughter of the criminal, silently taking news from the meeting. I wasn't able to get to the bottom of this,cause the heads went upstairs,with their bodyguards left downstairs.

They we're six major and two minor bosses, my dad was in the great six. Everytime that I wanted to give my dad to the officials, I felt pity of my mom, also my young star Clara. The two minor were Jann and this other guy, that I didn't know. I arrived and packed my car, greeted the secretary grabbed my uniform in the closet of the building that was downstairs. I took a trip to the elevator all the way up, as it opened everyone was looking at me, I now know what you get for being late.

I rushed to my office so I can escape any comments from the boss, then that's till when I heard, "Jade Farsy, you are late again, what do you have to say for yourself this time, huh!...last time it was because of the car engine, before that it was all about a car accident, mmh! and now, oh! Let me guess, you over slept or maybe you got attacked my a monster on your way here, listen Jade if you don't want this work, just say it's not that hard you know, you can just go and work for your dad, and get paid thrice of your salary." I could tell Boss Krenar was really mad this time, he looked at me with his eyes wide. I looked at everyone, "Okay, tomorrow we go after them all, I am tired of chasing them like we are kids, it's time to end this, who's with me!" He raised his hand up, expecting support.

Sadly no one agreed with his idea, but one genitor stopped moping, and he was like "I think you should firstly deal with the two minor then you head for the great six". People's mouth started to open, one by one saying"Yeah".

The boss had no choice but to agree, "Fine we will be after the two, then the six". I then went back to my office, as everyone else did the same.

Genitor's POV
Ha!, Dummies they easily agreed to my idea. I said to myself, surprisingly a little child looking at me,  Did she hear me?, Nah! What if......but nah!.. she's too young. I took the bucket carried away before I was noticed that I was there in the room. As I exited, and head in the closet,(Phone ringing). It's my boss, I picked the call, "Yeah, Farsy, they are gonna after the two, then after them they will be after you six, okay.. see you soon Farsy". I hanged up my phone, and headed home. "Honey you are late" my wife shouted loudly to make sure I heard her. "What reason is it this time?, huh!, You got eaten by a frog and suddenly got spit?, you got drunk and you thought the zebra crossing was a rainbow?, Don't you know how much I need you at home?". I looked at her as tears started to fall from her eyes.

I felt sad, "Yeah I know you love me, but I have to be at work so I can find bread for us, you know what we've been through, to this point where we are, it's God's blessings upon us, now stop crying. Please!" I rubbed her tears of her face. She looked at me as her face started being red, and said "Baby, do you even love me, like I do?, Huh! Oh maybe I'm wasting my feelings to a rock".

I replied,"Nah, girl yes I love you, I love you more than anything" I touched her shoulders, and wiped some more tears that kept falling from her eyes. She shouted, "Now show me, show me what you are capable of, prove to me you love me!". I ripped off her dress, she dived into a deep kiss. As she started putting my shirt off, I unzipped her dress to make it full opened. She looked down as her breath speeded up, "let's go to the right place". I chased her through the stairs untill in our room she jumped on the bed, looking at me, I unzipped my trouser, quickly I put off my inner cloth. I reached to her. Just before we had another round of kisses, the phone rang. I was pissed of how, it disturbed my peace. I looked on who was calling, and found out it was Mr.Farsy, I tossed my phone away, not even caring where it landed.

"Babe, that phone had a week since you bought it" she said looking worried. I pushed her to the bed, cause she was up, she spoke in her smallest tone "Show me what you are capable of". She pulled me for a very deep sexiest kiss. Her tongue made a tour around my mouth. Our tongues licked one another for about sometime. I deeply inserted, my middle finger into her spot, that made her, to moan "Aaaggh!...aah!..".
I did that back and forth, her noises just made me more horny and horny. She pulled closer, her left hand holding my cock, and her right hand pulling my chin for another round of kisses.

She whispered in my ears, "It's time for the big guns now".

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it..I'll try to make more chapters quicker and many as I can. Please put a star and DM in my Instagram account:  m.o.x.i.e32
See you in the next chapters.

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