Non-Tradable: Sadness

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Once upon a time, there was a 16-year-old boy named Jeff. He plopped onto this planet with tight fists, born to fight.

On what planet you ask?

Oh, Plant H3ll, of course! The very same one that's known to use human emotions as currency.

At the age of one, he was in the corner of the room trying to punch the lamp. Another day, he was in a furious fight with the curtains. All said and done, he was a child, right?

At the age of five, he packed a punch. He swung at his classmates. No reason is too petty for a child.

At the ripe age of ten, his parents are fairly unsurprised with his personality. Last week, when the mailman arrived at his doorstep, he dragged the poor clerk into a fistfight that had no purpose.

On the night of his 17th birthday,

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Incomplete Short Stories by Pavithra Prabhu Where stories live. Discover now