Portal to All

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Once upon a time -

"- all for one. One for all. Into a world. World unto us."

(Why am I being interrupted? My job as a narrator is an ungrateful one. Huff!).

- a low hum crept through the forest as a magical portal dug deeper and deeper into the ground, churning the soil into a liquid state. With nothing to hold onto, Ramajana found himself sinking into Earth, falling head first into his untimely death. The whirlpool swallowed him. His experiment had failed miserably - where he should have left a legacy, he left an open, magical portal.

A century later, it lives on, slowly sucking in a small part of the world into its void. And we all are slowly but surely moving towards our death. Will it be painful? I don't know. It has never been stopped, defeated or shut down because no matter what you use against it, it devours.

And that is the story of the Portal of All.

Until one day, when our born-to-fight, 17-year-old protagonist discovers it. It had been a week since he left home in a fit of rage (unsurprisingly). Anger was an emotion that he did not handle well. Now, he was on a mission to prove that this surplus emotion can be put to good use. 

(Psst... what do you think? Does he save the day? If yes, then how?)

Incomplete Short Stories by Pavithra Prabhu Where stories live. Discover now