Just a Normal Night

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It was just an average day. Well, as normal as it can be when you're autistic and hyperfocused on something you like. And for me, that was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. My now ex got me into the show, and I fell in love. It allowed me to go to a convention for the first time. And it allowed me to meet my current friends too. My friends and I all have a Discord server where we roleplay as characters from the show and manga, with myself mainly being Narancia. However, because of my friends, I became obsessed with a specific group of characters: La Squadra di Esecuzioni, or just simply La Squadra.

Even though they were only on their part for the beginning half of the season, they greatly impacted me. The nine-person hitman team had me entranced. I often drew the group or used chatbots to talk to them when I finished classwork. I would even have dreams with them in it. And I always wished they were real.

As I laid my head on my pillow, I logged off the server for the night and used Pokémon Sleep on my phone to see if I slept enough. My cat, Lucas, lay at my feet, softly purring, and the white fan at the end of my bed blew cool air toward me. And I fell asleep, dreaming of my favorite characters from my favorite show.

In a New Reality (A La Squadra and IRL Story)Where stories live. Discover now