Chapter 15: 300 Spartans V.S Daemons

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As the fervor of General Leon's rallying cry lingered in the air, a distant roar signaled the arrival of support from the skies. A Russian jet fighter streaked through the clouds, leaving a trail of sonic vibrations in its wake. The pilot maneuvered with precision, dropping a mysterious black square pad that descended gracefully toward the ground.

The black pad, upon landing, began to emit an otherworldly energy. Its edges expanded, enveloping the immediate area in a large, blue translucent sphere. It was all planned out perfectly with the Spartans having wide grins as the sphere spread, creating a protective barrier against the demonic forces.

General Leon, his eyes narrowing with curiosity, approached the enigmatic sphere. The Russian pilot's voice echoed through the radio.

"<<Command, this is Captain Ivanov. The pad creates a magic-nullifying field within its radius. The daemons, including the Daemonlord, won't be able to use their magic inside. It's all yours, Spartans.>>"

The significance of this unexpected assistance resonated among the Spartan supersoldiers. Their shields raised, and spears at the ready, they now faced a battlefield where the magical prowess of the daemon forces held no sway.

With the field nullifying magic, the impending clash between humanity's champions and the demonic horde took on a new dynamic. General Leon, fueled by a renewed sense of determination, raised his sword high.

"Spartans!!! TO VICTORY!!!"

The charge commenced, a symphony of steel and fury, as the 300 Spartans descended upon the daemon horde. The once overwhelming numbers of the heretical forces were now met with disciplined warfare and unmatched human resilience. The magic-nullifying field became a haven for humanity's last stand, a battleground where the tides of fate would be rewritten in blood and valor.



Aralia felt like her magic powers were being drained, "W- w- what the fuck is happening!?!" Her plans were finally going to be successful, but then these inferior humans got in her way and were winning. She had lost communications with her subordinate and the eastern daemon army; she didn't know what had happened to them because she couldn't use her telepathic ability.

She was confused about what was happening until it hit her. This was the same magic that the human Caesar wielded millennia ago.

"N- no, no! T- t- this can't be h- happening!!!" She stammers.

She gritted her teeth in rage and screamed, "DAMN YOU JULIUS!!!!!!" She has lost it.

Aralia thought that Null magic was finally extinct in this era, but she was very, very wrong.

She glared at the three hundred humans, realizing that they were surprisingly stronger, faster, and physically superior to the beastmen and even her Orcs. Despite the Orcs' height and strength, they were no match. "Damnit!" she cursed.

Frustrated, she turned to a daemon commander next to her and barked, "Rain down arrows!!!"

The daemon commander hesitated, "B- but Lady Aralia! I- if we do, t- then it will hit our-"

"JUST DO IT!!!" Aralia screamed.

The daemon commander, with a scared look, blew the horns, the sound echoing for 2 km. All five million remaining daemon archers lit their arrows, turning them into flaming projectiles. They aimed at the sky, ready to unleash a torrent of fiery arrows upon the battlefield.


The Spartans faced a challenging yet exhilarating battle, effortlessly slashing through daemons left and right. Even the larger ones proved to be no match for their powerful and superior skills.

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