I - Stephen the Gentleman

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My whole life, Alaska was sort of a safe haven for me. A place to get a away and just be myself. I know that most kinds ideal fall break isn't hanging out in middle of nowhere Alaska with two dads, but it was enough for me. Every fall break since as long as I can remember, my dad, brother, and I packed ourselves up and headed down to Alaska for the best week of the year. We stayed with my dad, Liam's ex-fraternity brother, Steve. Steve was an interesting guys to say the least, with his eccentric personality and oddly sexual jokes, but he and my dad stayed friends all these years. Steve and his two sons made Alaska feel like home for the short week we were there.
There was Jeremy, outgoing, funny, sweet, and let me tell you, he is quite the ladies man. With his dark hair and eyes that can see straight through me, Jeremy was like my best friend. I say like because Stephen claimed him all those years ago, so he is strictly off limits as a best friend. But that doesn't matter, I know I can always count on Jeremy. Then theres Camden, the object of my desires for years and years. With his curly locks that I spent hours imagining ruining my hands through, and his charming eyes that seemed to light up at the mention of lacrosse. I've been crushing hard on Camden for as long as I can remember, some might call it a childhood crush, but I know that it is so much more than that. The most embarrassing part is that everyone in the house knows about my infatuation, and tease me at every opportunity, even worse, Camden laughs right along with them. I know Camden only views me as an annoying younger sister type, and that's what kills me. But this fall, I can't help but hope that things will be different.
"Tummy, honey, are you ready to go yet? The flight is at 6, we need to get going." Liam yelled from downstairs.
"Yeah, dad one minute!" I yell back. I stuffed one more item into my suitcase, a little yellow sun dress that went to to my thighs, and shut the top of the suitcase. It was stuffed full of the new clothes that I had bought at the mall last week with my best friend, Tanya, the cost was paid with my allowance and the money I had saved up all summer from my job at McLaughlins, a local burger joint famous for its strawberry milkshakes.
"Fuck." The zipper was stuck.
The budge from the suitcase was too large for the zipper to fit over its large load. Defeated, I plopped down on the top of the suitcase and had to zip it up that way. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to meet my dad and Stephen. Stephen was leaning up against the railing of the stairs, on his phone, probably texting Jeremy or Camden about when we're leaving.
"What took you so long princess?" Said annoying brother commented.
"Unlike you, I like looking presentable in public." I replied.
"Who said you looked presentable Tummy."
"Alright, the white flags are waving, we got stuff to do." My dad so rudely interrupted.
"Race you to the front seat, old man." I jeered at Stephen.
And immediately raced out of the house, suitcase in hand. I felt a push from behind me and almost took a tumble into the snow. I turned around the shot a right hook at Stephen which caused him to dodge and ultimately loose his footing. He fell on his ass and I started laughing.
"See Stephen, that's why old men usually don't go out until the snow melts." I said.
"Oh shut up, the only reason I fell was because you thought it was a great idea to try and hit me with your poor excuse of a right hook."
"Stephen, you're just jealous of my right hook and we all know it."
Being the nice sister that I am, I offer a hand to help him up. I saw the smirk on his face, and I knew that I made a mistake. As soon as our hands touched, Stephen yanked me with all his body weight into the snow next to him. Cold filled my body and I just knew I was going to have a wet spot on my butt.
"What the sheesh Stephen!" I yelled, now more pissed than ever.
But Stephen did not seen to care, he was cackling next to me and before I could even say "Fuck you," He got up and raced to the front seat. Great, I'm glad that my brother is such a gentleman, what an asshole. So much for a good start to this trip, I just hope that was the first and only time I was going to fall on my ass this week.

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