No Matter What

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Set in the future Bubblegum and Marcy have a kid

Bonnie's POV
"Elsie get to bed" I sighed annoyed after having to ask for 10 minutes

"Whyyyyy" the 6 year old child complained "Mama gets to stay up" I picked her up and hugged her tight
"your mama's crazy" I said playfully
"I heard that pbeebs!" Marceline shouted from the other room
"I love you too marcy!" I looked back down at Elsie "see what I mean?" Elsie laughed "yeah Mama's silly"

"BOO!" Marceline became visible and scared us both "You scared me Mama" Our child giggled Marceline took her from me and threw her up in the air and catching her again.
"Good," She chucked pressing their foreheads together "I scared your mommy too." I rolled my eyes Elsie laughed again
"Well now that our scaring spree is over" I clapped my hands together "Bedtime cause i'm, so tried," Marcy cheered and held Elsie over her head "To your bedroom!" She yelled as she walked on

I kissed Elsie forehead and tuck her in some more "ok are you all set?" I asked, she nodded
"yes I think so" Marcy kissed her cheek
"night gumdrop" she said as we walked out "wait!" Elsie called out we both turned around in confusion
"what's up?" I sat on her bed
"will you tell me a bed time story?"
"ohh that's your mama's area, Mama?" I looked at Marceline and she smirked at me at calling her 'mama' She walked over and sat on the floor by Elsie

"Alright so what do you want to hear?" Elsie thought for a minute "ummm, how about how you got my name?" Marceline winced a bit "Again? I've told you the story so much you probably know it better than me" She chuckled slightly to ease her tension
"pleaseeeee" she said giving Marceline what she called 'puppy dog eyes' Marcy sighed "ok"

"Once upon a time, there was a lady who lived on the moon. Her name was Elise, but she could only come out during an eclipse. And there hadn't been an eclipse in a long, long time. One day, she saw a little girl, playing alone on the sand of a beach."

"What was the girls name again?" Elsie asked My wife chuckled "Marceline," Marcy pressed her nose to Elsie's and she giggled

"Oh, sun" she said, "please, let me go to earth and play with that little girl." And then the Sun said "ok my child but only so an hour, and you must promise to come back"
"I promise" Said Elsie, as the eclipse started she jumped delicately onto the sand.

"Hi, my name is Elise. I'm the lady on the moon, and i have been watching you play my dear. What's your name?" She asked the girl "My names Marceline," Elise and Marceline became best friends and they did a bunch of different things together. They danced, rolled on the grass, built sand castles, drew photos of each other, and went horse back riding But the eclipse was ending soon and Marceline knew Elsie had to go back but she didn't want her to.

"Oh, Elise," said Marceline, "Do you have to go?"

"I do, I promised the Sun that I would return," said Elise, "but don't be sad. Look up in the sky at night and you'll see me. I am the moon and the stars. Wave to me and I'll wave back." Soon after Elise floated back to the Moon but Marceline and Elise would never forget the wonderful day they had together and the friendship they shared."

"Did Elsie ever come back Mama? Have you seen her sense?" Marceline kissed her forehead "that's a story for another time" she got close and whispered to Elise "now we better go to bed before we drive your Mommy crazy" she chuckled

I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly, Marcy looked back at me, I Ignored her gaze and looked at Elsie
"she a terrible whisperer, isn't she?" the small girl laughed even more
"ok, ok," Marceline tucked Elise in bed and kissed her cheek
"Good night, gumdrop, I love you" she smiled softly at her.
"I love you, and you to Mommy" I smiled at her.
"Good night sweet girl" I turned off the lights and walked out of her room, Marceline came out right behind me closed the door.
We walked down the hall and into our room and started getting ready for bed

I walked to the bed, before I sat down Marcy sighed and hugged me from behind resting her chin on my shoulder "Did that story get you worked up again?"
"It never gets easier, especially sense we have to tell her the real story eventually"
She started to tear up. I turned around and pulled her into a hug playing with her hair. She started to sob more

"shhh it's ok," I whispered "I miss her Bonnie,..I really do," Her voice cracked, I hugged her tighter "I know, Marc" I kissed her head softly "I know"

We stood like that for a while before Marceline yawned "come on" I pulled her into bed and pulled her as close as humanly possible

"Bonnie?" I looked at her, "Yea?"

"Can you.. umm sing to me?" she blushes heavily and her cheeks grow warm. I smiled happily and started singing

"Let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting, right there where you left it, laying upside down, when you finally find it, you'll see how its fade the under side is lighter-" I trailed off
"Why'd you stop?" Marceline asked, a blush creeped on my face "um- I kinda forgot the rest..."

Marcy sat up really fast " Bonnibel Gum. I have sang you that song every night for the last 15 years." She said sternly, I tilted my head down in shame
"I know, and i've said this before but the reason is because I love your voice.... it's so soothing to me and I usually fall asleep before you finish the first verse, i'm sorry marcy" She chuckled "don't worry about it bonnie" she kissed my cheek

"I mighttt remember if you sung with me"
I smirked a bit she tried to get me to sing with her but I always said she was the singer out of the two of us. Marceline smiled big at me

"the underside is lighter when you turn it around, everything stay right where you left it" I started to join her and sing with her

"Everything stays, but it still changes, every so slightly, daily and nightly, In little ways, when everything stays........ In little ways everything stays.."

After we finished singing Marcy's breath slowed to and even pace, I looked down at the girl asleep in my arms, pushed her hair out of her face and rested my hand on her cheek.

"I love you Marceline" I kissed her head and watched her chest slowly falling and raising again. "No matter what, and I'll always be there for you" After a few hours of laying like this I finally let darkness consume me.

HIIII This one is about how long my other ones will be, this one was heavily based on another story i read with my own mix add i to it. The story it was based off of is in my reading list, but anyways have a good Day/Night/Evening


Words: 1246


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