Dusk till' Dawn

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Third Person POV:

It was a normal day of hanging out with Finn and Jake, Marceline played music for them, cracked jokes with them, and watched them play videos games on BMO. Then suddenly Peppermint Butler called.

He called from PBs hologram crystal "Hey Finn, Hey Jake, Hey Marceline..."  Finn held the crystal out so everyone could be seen.
"Hey Pepp Butt, what's up?"  There was some commotion in the back ground and the small butler winced "so you know how most of the Candy Kingdom came down with that deadly virus?" There was more clambering in the back ground and everyone started to get a little more concerned.

"Candy Fever? Yeah, did crunchy or someone like that get sick again?" Jake asked as he continued to play games on BMO. Peppermint Butler hesitated for a moment, "uhhh....WHOA!" He yelled as he dodged something glass being thrown at him, causing it to shatter.
"No it's Prubbs, she uhh-" another thing was thrown "ahhh! Just come quick!" And with that Marceline uncrossed her arms, scooped up the two boys, and flew to the Candy Kingdom as fast as she could. 

"Whoa, Marcy! Why are we going so fast?!?" Finn yelled as he felt the cold autumn air in his face. "Pbeebs could be in trouble pepp butt sounded worried!" Marceline said worried about her girlfriend.

Once they got there they entered threw the Princess's balcony, Marceline set the two boys down and started to search frantically for Bonnie "Spread out and look for them" Marceline check Pbs lab, Finn checked there kitchen while Jake checked her room

Jake had the most success "I found her!" He shouted. Marceline zoomed passed him and into her lab "Bonnie!" Marceline shouted "What's wrong, are you ok?!" She stands just ten feet away from her. Bubblegum turns around confused

"Marcy...? What are you doing here" she said drowsy, She went to take a step forwards but was stopped by Peppermint Butler who's wearing a mask and holding disinfectant spray. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it there Princess" he turned around and pointed the can at the trio, "None of you are made of Candy right?" His voice muffled by the mask "no, now what wrong with pbeebs?" Marceline ask in a somewhat harsh tone
"She've got Candy fever and she not doing ok" he says in a softer voice "what-" The Vampire Queen said confused "but i thought she found a cure for it? Why did you call us here" she finished.

The red and white butler sighed "she did, but she's out of one of the main ingredients , Penola berries. I've been fighting with her for the last hour, and she just keeps insisting that she goes sense it's 'her' sickness," PB held a hand up to her head as if it hurt her and Marceline helped her lie down in her bed. PB's breathing slowed and she groaned softly, Marcy kissed her forehead "oh glob you're burning up..." She pushed some stray strains of hair being Bonnie's ear.

"How long has she been sick?" Finn asked Peppermint Butler scratched the back of his head
"umm.." he said softly Marceline shifted her hand into a claw slowly
"how long has PB been sick" she hissed, He backed up slightly
"...four days" he said in a soft voice. Everyone gasped "But Candy fever is fatal by the fifth!" Finn shouted "You don't think I know that!?" The Butler yelled, Bonnie stir in her bed as she turned over.
Peppermint Butler sighed "she made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone and that she just had the flu but....a-all her symptoms? They're all Candy Fever related" He said in a more hushed tone

"Excessive sweating, chills, body aches, fever, headaches, nausea, sore throat, and discoloration of sink, that one was the real give away." Jake walked and but a hand on the Butler's shoulder "don't worry man, we're gonna get those berries, right Finn?" Finn pumped his fist in the air "Yeah! We'll be get them and be back before you know it pepp but, just tell us where they are!" Peppermint butler winced "at the top of a cliff, the tallest one in Ooo..." (i don't remember anything about Ooos geography so bare with me)

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