Therapy (Legacy I)

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In the darkness of my mind, I'm fighting my own battles
The Visionary, the name they call me when I step into the shadows
Haunted by my past, I'm searching for redemption
Every word I write is a cry for my own ascension

I wear my scars like armor, they tell my story
But underneath it all, there's a burning glory
I'm a fighter, a survivor, a warrior in disguise
With every lyric I spit, I'm breaking these ties

I'm an anomaly, a voice in the storm
Real style, where pain transforms
These words are my therapy, my escape from the pain
I wear my heart on my sleeve, these lyrics keep me sane

I'm lost in my thoughts, trapped in my own maze
But through the chaos, I find a peace in this craze
I pour my heart out on every page, every line
Like those before me I bear my soul, no hiding behind

I've battled self hatred, I've fought my own demons
But through the darkness, I found a purpose, a reason
To rise above the noise, to conquer my fears
These songs are my therapy, they dry my tears

I'm an anomaly, a voice in the storm
Real style, where pain transforms
These words are my therapy, my escape from the pain
I wear my heart on my sleeve, these lyrics keep me sane

I may stumble and fall, but I won't give up the fight
I'm breaking through the night
With every verse, I'm finding strength in my vulnerability
I won't let the world define my ability

I stand alone in this world, but I'm not alone in my mind
I am the voice of the broken, the ones left behind
I'm here to inspire, to heal the wounded soul
Through my music, I'll make broken hearts whole

So let the beat drop, let the words ignite
Keep the sky empty, I'm ready to take flight
I'll keep pouring my heart out, no matter the cost
Because through these lyrics, I know I'm not lost

I'm an anomaly, a voice in the storm
Real style, where pain transforms
These words are my therapy, my escape from the pain
I wear my heart on my sleeve, these lyrics keep me sane

I'll make sure they remember my name when I'm gone
I'll keep writing these songs, until my legacy lives on
Through the highs and lows, the triumphs and the falls
Real music, I'll stand tall through it all

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