The beginning

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I'm Olivia Baker Olivia Maria Baker to be exact and yes I will be telling a story about all my friendships and how being in your mid-20's is the most terrifying thing anyone could ever be in. Let me start by saying my college years were fantastic, that's where I met all of my closest friends that are more like sisters than anything. Me and Simone met first, well more like we knew each other in high school because of dance but we're only acquaintance's until we became roommates my freshman year. And of course my twin brother had to swoop in and make Simone her conquest but I will say it's the happiest she's ever been and an almost five year relationship isn't so bad either. Even though he should've been put a ring on it but I digress, and then there's Layla Keating we all call her by her whole name because she would get into to all of the nice clubs in L.A. but she kind of just joined the group by accident when she was nice enough to get us into the more luxury clubs an all because we were all in the same Bio class, we all thought she would be some rich spoiled snob but she was totally the opposite. And then there's Deena short for Dee we hit it off in one of my dance classes I would take five times a week and she also worked in the financial ad office so everyone pretty much knew of her. And she was dating Spencer but they didn't start dating until our last year of college and we're also pretty close, then there's his friends Chris and Darnell so our group was pretty much complete by the end of it. We were all inseparable.

And yes me and Layla are the only single ones besides the other boys in the group. Let's just say it's harder for us because for one Layla is a lesbian so it's harder and for me my high demanding job doesn't allow me too. Well at least that's the excuse we tell people, well the excuse we're giving right now to our hard headed friends.

"Oh my god Layla that's no excuse for the millionth time!" Simone shouts smiling as she carries the popcorn and I get the wine glasses. We're all at my apartment in our pjs catching up.

"You don't how hard it is out there! Even the good looking studs are hard to keep!" Layla replies and I just laugh shaking my head.

"And you missy shouldn't be laughing...when is the last time you even went on date? Or even just get laid?" Simone eyes me down as I sit on my sofa.

"Excuse me I thought we were talking about Layla?" I ask eating some caramel popcorn. "And where is Deena anyways.." I look at my phone to change the subject.

"Uh uh don't change the subject.." Simone's nudges me and I look away laughing.

"Besides not everyone's been basically married since they were twenty years old.." Layla interjects and Simone rolls her eyes as she raise her hand to her ring finger.

" you see a ring on this finger? Cause trust I would know!" She sits back on my sofa sipping her wine.

"No sign of wedding bells yet huh?" I ask as Simone shakes her head.

"It's about to be five years in one week liv five years!!" Simone says aggravated. "What is your brothers problem.."

I shrug. "Don't ask me. Why you even like my brother is a question in it self.." I cringe purposely as Simone nudges me playfully.

"Okay I'll stop annoying y'all. How is the art gallery going though?" Simone asks and I can't help but grin with all my teeth.

"'s going so great I'm almost done with filling the whole place with my favorite paintings and people who have come in have already bought  few too.."

"Wow liv thats impressive for your store to been only open a couple weeks.." Layla says and I nod agreeing.

"And I owe it all to you guys with you guys backing me for all these years and with Laylas connections.." I start to say.

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