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Heyy! I'm Leyla Breme, a total book nerd. I have been known to be reading everywhere when I hit a good book series; brushing my teeth, eating lunch, walking around campus... It can be a problem lol. Besides reading I enjoy writing, going to the nearby beach and taking my pup out for walks... when I'm not stuck in schoolwork or studying for finals. 😝

Recently, I stumbled upon an AWESOME book series that inspired me to write my own; Throne of Glass. Although I'd been writing short stories for the past 3 years, this is the first time I'm taking on a full novel (series? idk yet). By posting here I hope to share my work with readers who enjoy reading fantasy, Fae, and romance books as well as keep myself accountable with my writing. New chapters are at least once every week every Wednesday, if not more often. (Edit: So, high school ended up being WAY busier than I thought. I'll be updating it as I write it and find time, not necessarily every week beacause unfortunaly my academics come first). My writing style for this book is first person, past tense, and I will use correct grammar, formatting & spelling to the best of my ability.✨ ✨

My work will be similar to ACOTAR, Throne of Glass, Fourth Wing, and Zodiac Academy. So, if you loved those books, you'll likely like mine as well! Thank you for giving my writing a chance! 🫶

Happy New Year --- finally 2024! 🥳🎆


Leyla Breme 💋

(P.S. I do not support or appreciate rude comments and if I see any, I will delete them. Thank you!!)

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