iii. sexy hybrid serial killer

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[Damon is in his bed and hears Elijah's conversation with Elena and Stefan. He gets up, goes downstairs and joins them.]

Elijah: Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse.

Stefan: Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake. That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus.

Elijah: Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept her werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if she breaks it...She'll be a true hybrid.

[Damon joins them.]

Damon: Then why are we letting her break the curse? We can kill her today. With Bonnie.

"I've watched Bonnie Bennett's brain almost spill out of her ears from doing a locator spell," Klaus scoffed, looking scandalised by the mere thought of the inexperienced Bennett being the cause of her demise. "Poor Ayana is probably tossing and turning in her grave after witnessing how far her bloodline has fallen."

Rebekah's expression soured at the mention of the teenage witch who'd been a key factor in her less than pleasant high school experience. "We should've put the bitch in the ground and sent her to see Ayana on the Other Side. Perhaps then she would possess some semblance of skill. Even I had more skill at that age, and that's saying something, considering I was unable to produce even a modicum of magic."

The hybrid chuckled at the evident bitterness in her sister's voice. "Thank the gods for that. A good witch is a dead witch. That is one of the only things we agree on, Bex."

Hope spun around from her place on the floor to stare up at her mother, an offended expression plastered across her face. "Um, hello? Your witch child is sitting right here," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Klaus' expression softened immediately. She reached out to run a hand through Hope's hair, the young girl nuzzling into the maternal touch she'd missed dearly. "My darling, you are a Mikaelson witch. These bottom of the barrel scum are nothing compared to you."

"Wait, so all of you are witches too?" Percy asked, his brows furrowed in confusion as he gestured between each Mikaelson sibling.

"No, we aren't," Klaus clarified. "As humans, only Kol was able to tap into his magic. But a vampire cannot exist as both vampire and witch. A vampire is an abomination of nature, while a witch is a servant of nature."

"But what about me?" he questioned. "I've never been able to do magic." It was like a punch to the gut—just another thing that made him different from everyone else around him. It seemed that no matter where he was, whether at a new school or back at Camp Half-Blood, he was always different; an ADHD troubled child to the mortals and an overpowered forbidden child to the demigods.

Klaus frowned at the disappointment in his voice. It was obvious to her that he was searching for something in common with his birth family. She repeated her previous actions, reaching a hand out and running it through his hair as she spoke. "It seems that you are your father's son, Percy. Your demigod nature overpowers anything I gave you. But make no mistake, you are still my son, so long as my blood runs through your veins."

Percy ignored the tears that glistened in his eyes and gave her a quivering smile.

Stefan: Damon...

Elena: No. Bonnie can't use that much power without dying.

Damon: I'll write her a great eulogy.

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