Chapter 1: Survival

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I cant get this story out of my head and I'm trying to do homework so fuck it let's get strate into this.

We start this story of with a malnourished looking boy with black hair walking through the center of a small village, none of the passers by notice the small starved child.

The child heads into a rowdy bar and slumps upon one of the stalls.

A woman with green hair walks over to the boy with a scowl plastered on her face.

Makino: what do you want brat.

Luffy: please give me some food I haven't eaten in two days.

Makino: what do I look like a charity piss off brat.

Luffy: ple-

Makino: GET OUT!

the whole bar goes silent as everybody is staring at luffy, he proceeds to slump  off the bar stool and slowly stumble out of the door he entered in

As he makes his way out a red haired man at the bar starts talking.

Shanks: what's up with that brat.

Makino: he is insufferable  he goes around town asking people for food and drinks all the time, the little runt thinks he can just get free things without working.

Shanks: sounds annoying now let's forget about him and get back to partying.

Everyone: YEA!

meanwhile with our protagonist:

Luffy: stupid bitch can't show a poor kid any hospitality who the fuck does she think she i-

Luffy bumps his head into someone's leg.

Luffy looks up at the man

Luffy: sorry for bumping into you.

???: you should look where you are going you little shit I am the great mountain bandit higuma with a bounty of 8 million berries.

Luffy: sorry my bad.

Higuma: do you think I will take that disrespect lying down.

He proceeds to pick luffy up by the face and luffy doesn't fight back.

(In luffys head) luffy: aww crap how am I going to get out of this one.

Luffy looks down to higumas waist to see a sword.

Luffy: perfect.

Luffy quickly snatched the blade without higuma noticing.

Luffy: thanks for the sword old man.

Before he proceeds to stab the mountain bandit in the stomach forcing him to let go of his face.

The other mountain bandits rush at luffy but he proceeds to doge and slash and stab at all of them killing the rest of the mountain bandits crew.

Luffy: that was easy now let's see how much money they had on them.

Luffy proceeds to scrounge through the corpses for any money as villagers watch him terrified, they start whispering between eachother.

Villagers: he's a demon in human skin, we should stay away from him, we should get the pirates to kill him.

Luffy: awww crap they only had 50 thousand berries that's nothing considering what the people round here charge me.

Luffy stumbles back towards the bar soaked in blood like nothing happed.

He walks in as everyone stairs at him as a kid covered in blood with a sword in his had is not a normal occurance.

Luffy throws a bag of money on the counter.

Luffy: I want the cheapest meal and drink please.

Makino: fine but it will cost you everything in that bag.

Luffy: fine whatever as long as I get ot eat.

Makino proceeds to go into the back of the bar before returning with a disgusting looking pie and a month old looking beer.

As soon as she sets it down on the counter luffy Proceeds to eat the whole pie In one bite and drink the whole beer in a single gulp.

Luffy: thanks for the food.

He hops of the stool and walks out the bar sword in hand before talking to himself.

Luffy: I gotta clean up and get back to training gramps will show up soon and he's gonna beat my ass if I have been slacking off and also if he gets wind of the bandit thing.

Back at the bar we see the mayor walk in.

Mayor: have you seen the brat luffy.

Makino: yea wy are you asking.

Mayor: I will pay any pirate 500 thousand berries for however kills him or gets him out of town.

Random read haired pirate members: we will do it free money is free money after all.

Mayor: good now get going.

10 members go outside the bar in search of luffy and they see him walking just out of town.

Random pirate: he is over there guys let's get him.

Luffy hears footsteps and turns around to see 10 pirates running at him so he starts running.

Let's stop the story for a second to clarify some stuff first of all these guys are pirates on a yonks crew who have been able to survive the new world so they are definitely stronger than luffy now back to the story

Luffy: aww crap not now they'll beat my ass.

Then luffy feels something and looks down.


Luffy goes barrelling face first into the floor after tripping over.

Annnnnnd I'm Ending this chapter but holy shit I have never wanted to write a story so much so expect some more chapters

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