chapter 2: Awakening a conquerors spirit

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We restart our story with our boy luffy surrounded by the red haired pirate crew members.

Rp= random pirate.

Rp: this is going to be the easiest money of my life.

Luffy: chill out guys you shouldn't go round hurting kids.

Rp: the mayor said we could kill you and that's what we are gonna do.

The pirate lifts his sword out of his holster.

Luffy: wait n-

In one swift motion the pirate stabs luffy in the shoulder pinning him to the floor.

Luffy: aaaaah fuck I'm going to die, not now no please I need to help those like me and become pirate King I can't Do that if I'm dead .

The pirate lifts his sword out of luffy.

Rp: any last words.


Then a large wave of something luffy doesn't understand comes out of his body.

When he looks at the pirates he sees them knocked out foaming at their mouths.

Back at the bar.

Shanks: did you guys just feel that it felt like someone awoke conquerors haki.

Yassop: let me check captain.

Yassop uses his observation haki and senses the pirates knocked out and luffy hobbling away.

Yassop: it was the best that awakened conquerors haki and all of our men are knocked out.

Shanks: someone go grab them and bring them back here, their sorry asses even couldn't beat a kid, I got more important stuff to do anyway.

He then glances at the chest with the gum gum fruit in.

We go back to luffy who is now limping off In pain.

Luffy: how the hell am I going to heal this stab wound in my shoulder.

Luffy collapses to the ground in the middle of the forest and is starting to black out his vision goes blurry and he can't see.

Luffy: not now I can't fall asleep not now.

We Go back to shanks who is currently walking towards a bandit camp.

He walks inside and everyone starts looking at him.

Shanks: anyone seen a kid called ace.

Bandit: yea ace is out in the woods just south he should be a five minute walk away.

Shanks: thanks.

Shanks turns around and walks towards where he was told ace would be to see ace sat down next to a campfire sleeping.

Shanks: hey brat to wake up

Ace: hu who are you old man.

Shanks: IM NOT OLD!

He hits ace on the head leaving a bump.

Shanks: I just came here to give you something.

Shanks pulls out a chest and opens it up to reveal a fruit.

Ace: and what the hell is that weird looking fruit supposed to be.

Shanks: it's a devil fruit whoever eats one gets its attributes for example this one will turn you into rubber.

Ace: that's sounds lame couldn't it have been fire or something.

Shanks: shut up and take it brat

Ace takes the fruit and bites into it, he then begins chocking before swallowing it down.

Ace: what the hell old man that tastes like ass.

Shanks: don't worry about it brat now come on we gotta get going.

Ace: huh what do you mean.

Shanks: your joining my crew brat so let's get going I gotta introduce you to the rest of the crew.

We go back to luffy as he is about to pass out before something falls from the tree above lands on his head.

Luffy delirious picks up whatever fell from the tree and bites into the weird purple fruit that landed on his head.

Luffy stomachs down the awful taste before passing out from exhaustion.

What luffy didn't notice was the wound in his shoulder begins to heal as dark wisps come off the closing wound.

Luffy wakes up the day after with his wound healed and he wonders how it happened but he decides he will find out later as his gramps is gonna be back soon.

We do a couple hour timeskip as a marine boat arrives on the shore of the island before a broad looking man steps of the boat .

???: aaah it's good to be back home

Mayor: Garp welcome back how are you.

Garp: good, good, now where is my cheeky little grandson.

Mayor: o luffy Well you see he had an encounter earlier today and he attacked and killed some mountain bandits.

Grap: the brat did WHAT!

Mayor: he attacked and killed some mountains bandits sir before he ran into the forest we have no idea where he is.

Garp: don't worry I will deal with him.

Garp uses observation and heads off towards the forest to find luffy and after an hour of searching he finds liffy resting his head against a log.

Garp walks up to luffy before bonking him on the head waking him up.

Luffy: aaaah what the hell was tha-

Luffy looks to see garp with a serious expression on his face.

Luffy: hey gramps.

Garp: don't 'gramps' me kid I heard what you did.

Luffy: that was self defence I was attacked first and its not like anyone else would step in to help me.

Garp: look kid you can't go round killing people just because they annoyed you.

Luffy: I was gonna die what do you expect me to do.

Garp: ok look ill teach you some powers to help you protect yourself.

Luffy: ok Well what are they called.

Garp: they are known as haki and there are three basic types they are called armerment, observation and conquerors.

Garp: armerment allows the user to coat themselves or a weapon with it and it enhances their strength and ability to take damage.

Garp: next is observation which allows the user to track people's movements and predict there actions before they perform them.

Garp: the last one is conquerors which allows the user to send a wave of haki out to oponents to knock them out or stun them.

Luffy: o you mean like this.

Luffy proceeds to let out a wake of conquerors haki surprising garp.

Garp: yes exactly like that how the hell did a brat like you unlock conquerors haki at such q young age.

Luffy: I was getting attacked by these pirates and then all of a sudden I shouted at them to go away and then that happend.

Garp: good stuff brat now let's get to training.

Chapter Is finished bosssssh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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