Chapter Twelve - Aftermath

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After the end of the war, Emperor Belos and his forces regained control of the Emperor's Palace. After that, Belos ordered Kikimora and the others to leave the throne room. As Belos was left alone, laughter was heard as Black Hat suddenly appeared before Belos. Belos immediately went for his Staff, but Black Hat gestured him to stop.

Black Hat: There is no need for hostilities, Emperor. I come to you in friendship.

Belos: What do you want?

Black Hat: As I said before, I am a businessman in search for new clients.

Belos: And I am to be your new client?

Black Hat: Of course, Emperor Belos. My organization has much to offer you in your efforts to see the Day Of Unity is realized. As a token of good will, please accept this....consultation gift.

Black Hat snaps his fingers and a portal opens in front of Belos. Out from the portal emerges the Collector who stumbles to the ground. The Collector quickly gets up and brushes the dirt off of his robes. 

Belos: The Collector. 

Black Hat: I know he is vital to your plans so I took the liberty of plucking him from wherever Aku flung him to. 

Collector: Well that was fun! What game should we play next? I could find more....

Black Hat: That will be quite enough out of you, Collector. Why don't you go back to your room while Belos and I discuss business. 

The Collector: You can't tell me what to do! I can....

Black Hat: Be grateful that I brought you back from whatever dimension Aku sent you. Be fortunate that the mess you made did not have any lasting damages to my business. 

Black Hat then shot a menacing glare at the Collector. This scared the Collector as he took a deep breath. 

The Collector: Fine. I was getting bored anyway. If you need me, Belos, you know how to get a hold of me. 

The Collector then teleports away, leaving Belos and Black Hat alone. Belos took a moment to think over Black Hat's proposal. It was clear to Belos that Black Hat's business could give Belos the opportunity to advance his plans for the Day Of Unity. But Belos was no fool. 

Belos: What is the catch? 

Black Hat: You need not worry for your soul or your life if that's what you were thinking. Souls might be Alastor's currency, but my currency is much more....basic if you will. I will provide you with whatever you need to advance your plans and in exchange, you and I will conduct business. In this way, everyone wins. 

As Black Hat says this, Belos could see a potential partnership with Black Hat. It was clear to her that Black Hat's sole interest was business. 

Belos: Very well, Black Hat. I accept your proposal. 

Black Hat: I knew I had a good feeling about you. I'm looking forward to a long and prosperous business relationship.

In an instant, Black Hat was gone. Emperor Belos had struck a deal with interdimensional arms dealer Black Hat. And with the month he now had to repair his forces, Belos felt a new sense of purpose. He would make the use of his new benefactor, but for now, he would focus on the Boiling Isles. Meanwhile at the Owl House, Luz sat in her room, thinking on all that had happened. While she and her friends were successful in sending Aku, Salem and Alastor back to their worlds, it came with a price. It wasn't long before Amity came into the room. 

Amity: Are you okay, Luz? 

Luz: I...I'll manage. Ami, did....did we do the right thing? 

Amity: Luz, we did the best we could with what we had. 

Luz: But was it worth it? I...I know we did good, but now Belos has Black Hat as a benefactor and we can't do anything about it for a whole month. Maybe...maybe Eda was right. What was I thinking? So stupid! I could've found a way to stop them! But now....

At this point, Amity hugged Luz to comfort her.

Amity: You did everything you could, Batata. You stopped those monsters from tearing the Boiling Isles apart. If it weren't for you, more lives would've been lost. You saved more lives than anyone in the Boiling Isles. As for Belos, I know you'll find a way to stop him. We all believe in you, Luz. I believe in you. 

Despite Amity's comforting words, Luz still felt that she didn't do enough. She felt that the deal she was forced to make with Black Hat would end up putting those she cares about in danger. Luz then took a deep breath, remembering the words her mom Camila spoke.

Luz: No te preocupes. Todo va a salir bien. We'll...we'll find a way. 

Amity: I know you will, Luz. No matter how bad things get, I know you'll get us through it in the end. 

Luz: Y....yeah. Thanks, Ami. 

Luz smiled as she hugged her girlfriend. In that moment, Luz found her resolve to keep going. Despite not being able to stop Belos, she was able to stop Aku, Salem and Alastor from tearing apart the Boiling Isles in their bid to take control of it. And that was enough for Luz to call it a victory. In that moment, the war that would be known as the War of the Dark Trinity had come to an end. But it's impact on the Boiling Isles would be felt for years to come.

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