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The loud whistle of the train caused a lot of commotion on the platform 9 3/4.
Kids and their parents running down the station in fear of not catching the Hogwarts express.

"Darling remember what we discussed" her mother reminded her as she fixed the little girls ponytail while kneeling in front of her. Before she got up and lightly pushed her daughter in the direction of the train. "Now of you go"

As the girl cast a final gaze upon the bustling London train station, a rollercoaster of mixed emotions stirred within her. With each step she took onto the awaiting train, a new chapter of her life unfolded before her very eyes.
In this world, life intertwines with magic, where nothing is quite as it seems. She might not know now but a captivating journey awaits her, filled with heartbreak, friendships, betrayal, and moments of pure happiness.
And who would have thought that this train station is where the magic begins.

Delilah walked down the corridor of the train trying to find a free seat. Finally, she spotted a cabin
with two boys sitting inside. Candy was scattered everywhere. It was a mess. The whole cabin was flooded with gummy snakes and chocolate frogs.
Even their rat found itself entangled in a box of sour gummy bears.
"Is this seat taken?" She asked the red- head that now noticed her.

After he looked the girl in front of him up and down he stuttered "Oh ...no,please" as he moved closer to the window, stealing a glance at his friend Harry.
But Harry couldn't tear his eyes away from the little girl standing in front of him

Why would a girl choose to sit among boys? What would they even talk about? Ron's mind raced, trying to find a plausible explanation. He had never truly engaged in a conversation with a girl who wasn't a relative. The rest of the journey seemed destined for awkwardness, as boys and girls seemed to have nothing in common. She also seemed quite fancy to him, which made him a bit uneasy.

As the girl settled into her seat, her legs swinging playfully back and forth, she turned her focus towards the red-haired boy on her right, who appeared to be the most talkative among the group.
"I'm Delilah Ambrose. Pleased to meet you" she stated declared while extending her hand for him to shake.

"Oh I'm Ron. Ron Weasley. And this is Harry" the boy mumbled with a full mouth of candy, but not before putting another two or three chocolate frogs in his mouth. He then wiped his hand on his t-shirt and with a sheepish grin, he extended his hand to accept hers for a shake.

With a look of mild disgust, she took his hand. However, her focus quickly shifted as she turned her attention forward, facing the boy with glasses.
"Harry who?" she questioned.

"I'm Harry Potter"

Delilah's eyes widened in surprise.
"You are Harry Potter. The guy with the scar"

Harry blushed and nodded in agreement, but before he could open his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by Ron "yes it's huge Harry show her"

Another girl's voice suddenly filled the room, causing all three of them to turn towards the door in surprise. Ron couldn't help but think, bloody hell, another girl?

"What are you doing here?"Ron quickly asked, not caring to answer her question. He then directed all of his attention back to the chocolate frogs lying on his lap.

"Im looking for a toad. Has anyone seen one?A boy named Neville lost it"
A voice echoed through the cabin and was met with uncertain glances and shaking heads.

After observing the boys' reactions, Delilah realized that they might not have had much experience with girls before since both of them didn't date to start a conversation. Especially Rom seemed unsure what to do. Feeling confident, she decided to take the initiative and introduce herself first.
"I'm Delilah Ambrose," she said, extending her hand. "And who might you be?" Delilah couldn't help but give the girl in front of her a quick once-over, trying to read her. There was something about her that made Delilah feel somewhat hesitant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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