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I haven't heard from 

Paloma nor Tatianna

for weeks.

Finally they knew 

I wanted nothing

to do with their

troubling issues.

Mr. Campbell 

has been speaking 

about a new promotion,

but I didn't really 

care for it. 

All I wanted

in the moment

was already obtained.

For once, 

everything felt right. 


I felt someone jump

on my back.

"Becky told me

I'd find you here." 

Feeling her grin

against my neck

gave me a 

unbelievable feeling

like a kid on

Christmas morning. 

I let her back 

on ground level

and faced her.

Clever girl.

"The Cup Of Love, huh?"

She reads on the plaque 

below the painting.

Well to me,

Cupid accepts both 

the female and male

as a couple. 

Not really sure though,

but reminds you of


"I can get used to

hearing your comparisons 

of art to us, forever."

She presses her lips

against mine; 

The kiss, even after so many,

still gave me a feeling

of a war going on in my stomach. 

Every day,

in the city that never sleeps,

people search endlessly for this.


in front of Cupid,

we found what 8.4 million people

searched desperately for: love.

Just like back in September, 

we walked towards the elevator,


Standing in the box,

we shared another kiss

just like the first night.

For a second I pulled away,

and looked into her 

pale green eyes. 

Lydia, there is no doubt

that you are the one 

I want to discover and experience

life with for the rest of our time. 

I want to witness the aesthetic

outside the city with you: In Paris,

London, Italy, L.A., Brazil. 

I love you.

The elevator doors open

and Lydia walks out with her hand out

with a huge smirk on her face.

"What are you waiting for, cowboy?

We've got so much to do." 

A laugh escapes

as I grab her hand

and walk out the doors

 into the greatest aesthetic of all:

the world

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