5 ~ Horror Movie (Jailey).

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A/N: Sorry it's been a while, I had a burn out with TMF, and I couldn't think of any ideas. I hope you enjoy this one, even though it's a really common idea lmao. 

It was a rainy day in the town of Rosemeadow, the sun was setting, signifying the end of another day. The streets were quiet, everything seemed peaceful. It was the perfect evening to an autumn's day.

However, within the walls of a tall house, standing on a busy street, contained another petty argument between two close friends.

"We're not watching a horror movie. They're boring, we should go for a walk!" The teal haired teenager suggested, crossing her arms in a defensive tone.

"A walk... Have you seen the weather Hails? Just admit it, you're scared..." Another teenager sarcastically responded from across the room.

"Oh Jake shove off. Of course I'm not scared. Also, for your information it would be very healthy going for a walk, and the rain just adds more fun." Hailey shrugged, rolling her eyes at her best friend's response.

"You're such a nerd." Jake muttered under his breath, quiet enough for the midnight eyed girl to not understand clearly.

"What was that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Err... Nothing. Anyways, I don't care about your fantasies about enjoying mother nature, we're watching a horror movie." Jake declared, sitting down on the sofa, "I'm not moving."

Hailey laughed as she sat down next to him, "Fine, you win, you're such a child."

Jake smirked, "Just don't get too scared."

"I'm not sca-" Hailey sighed, but gave up, she knew Jake. He'd continue to tease her no matter what, "Does The Conjuring sound good?"

Jake thought for at least a minute, he was fully confident about Hailey being scared, which was funny to him, who would ever be scared of a fictional movie? He thought to himself.

"Yeah, sure." Jake shrugged, in all honesty, he didn't mind.

"Okay." Hailey murmured, as she pressed the remote and put the movie on.

Whilst the movie loaded, Jake started to get cocky, he immediately began to tease Hailey about getting scared, he chuckled, "Don't be afraid to cling on to me if you get scared..."

"Ha ha, funny..." The teal haired teenager rolled her eyes, "Now shut up, the movie is starting."

Jake suddenly stopped laughing and focused on the movie, he began to get a bit sceptical about his idea, as he thought maybe he wasn't as brave as he expected. It didn't matter to him though, he just knew Hailey would get scared, he knew she had one of the kindest and most innocent souls ever, there was no way she would enjoy this movie.

|~| 35 minutes later |~|

Unlike Jake, Hailey was eagerly watching the movie with full focus, she was glued to the plot and loved the horror aspects, she was a sucker for horror movies, from the fact that when she was younger, her and Zander watched Annabelle whilst their parent's were busy and after she used to terrify Zander convincing him "Annabelle was coming to get him." She always remembered horror movies were fiction whilst watching, so she never got affected by the overall creepy tone.

The midnight eyed teenager smirked and sarcastically teased whilst keeping her eyes glued to the screen, "Scared yet, Sterling?"

To her surprise, she got no response, she assumed Jake hadn't heard her, the volume was loud, so she repeated herself.

"Jake, are you scared yet?"

Again, a lack of response. Hailey started to get suspicious, so she took her eyes away from the screen to see Jake hiding his face under a blanket.

She immediately grinned and shook her head, "Oh Jake... Sometimes I think you put yourself in boots too big for you to handle."

Quickly, Hailey pulled the blanket away from his head and sighed, "Do you want me to turn it off?"

"No... I'm not scared... I- Uh- I'm just cold?" The blonde haired teenager tried to declare in a defensive tone.

"Uh huh... I totally believe that." She laughed, as she placed her hand on his face. Jake felt his face go red, but that was cut short as her giggles grew.

"You literally feel warm. I told you before Jake, you're a bad liar."

"Fine. It's scary. You win." Jake rolled his eyes as he stood up, "Y'know that walk doesn't seem too bad now..."

He watched as his closest friend immediately grew a bright smile as she jumped up, "It seems amazing! Come on."

She grabbed him arm, as she started to brag about how she always gets her way, no matter what Jake suggests, meanwhile, he tried to tune her out in embarrassment, he totally made himself look dumb, but did he really care that much? Hailey was one of the kindest people he knew, if he were to have an embarrassing moment, it would be in front of her.

|~| 10 minutes later |~|

"See isn't this just so fun!" Hailey boasted, skipping down the street, as the rain pattered on her long, pink raincoat.

"Just great..." Jake followed behind, less enthusiastic, "I just feel like I'm gonna have so much fun and totally not get a cold!"

"Stop being such a coward." She responded, "Just be grateful we're not watching the movie that practically traumatised you.

"Shut up-"

"You know it's true!" 

Words: 896

All Characters by RosyClozy from the series "The Music Freaks."

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