movie night (heart/mind/soul + darrell)

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A/N: didn't care to proofread or put effort; apologies. enjoy darrell.

"Hey!" I glare at Mind as he snatches the bowl of popcorn from my grasp. A smirk can't help but break my face as I see his disappointment and frustration upon looking in the bowl. "Dude! You nearly ate the whole thing! Are you planning to give me the kernels?!" I snicker as Mind scolds me, smacking me on the shoulder. His metal hand digs into the scantily filled bowl, the sound competitive in volume to the movie playing.

Even louder, the shout of a door busting open causes me to jolt in alarm. Loud squawks and squalls demand us to glance over, as Darrell runs chaotically around the room, flapping his wings and squealing.

"God damnit," I mutter, standing up and sprinting over to catch him. I had temporatily left him with Heart, since Heart always whines about how he's so alone and needs company, but I now realize that was a terrible mistake. He's rather incapable of caring for such a high maitenance animal.

I manage to grab Darrell and raise him, making sure to keep a steady grip on his stomach. "Darrell," I start, looking him in his beady little chicken eyes. "What's going on?!" He clucks at me in response, jerking his head around. I sigh, watching as Heart, panting, stumbles up to the doorway.

"I was attacked!!" I can practically feel Mind rise to his feet behind me as Heart's whines ring out. "Darrell! He jumped on me and starting screaming at me and flapping around!"

Completely ignorant of Heart's previous wails, Mind begins scolding him, "Dude! What's your deal?! You ruined our movie night!"

I see Heart's expression falter, as he grows quieter. "You guys were," he pauses for a moment, in disbelief, "you guys were having a movie night without me?! How long has this been going on?!"

Mind growls behind me, taking a step forward, and I promptly take a step back. "The last two weeks," I mumble shamefully to Heart, and his face becomes filled with dismay.

"Two weeks?! You- you-," he takes a moment to recollect himself, now stumbling over his words, "you've left me out for two weeks?!"

"Well fucking obviously," Mind growls, being the one who had convinced me to do such. "Nobody wants you around, you crybaby."

"Mind, stop," I start, attempting to shut this down before it devolves into a screaming match, but I'm halted by Heart.

"Shut up, Mind!" Heart stomps forward, snarling, "You piece of shit! You went out of your way to leave me out of your activities!" He flashes his wings, obviously attempting to intimidate Mind. I hold Darrell closer to my chest to avoid him getting agitated.

Mind outstretches his arms, leaning forward, "Stop playing the victim! You always do this!" Heart seems taken aback.

"I'm playing the victim?!" Heart heaves, now nearly screeching, "You left. Me. Out!! I am the victim!!"

I take it upon myself to step forward, gently shoving Mind away, "Guys, stop. Heart, go back to your room; I've got Darrell. Mind, return to your room as well; movie night is over."

They both pout arrogantly, crossing their arms and whining under their breath before stomping off. I pause the movie and slump back down on the couch, setting Darrell in my lap. I sigh, stroking his head gently. "I'm so glad you're here, Darrell."

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